Chapter 2--- Meeting of Mates

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I changed into my human form and put on the dress I had hidden in the trees. I tore it up a little bit so it seemed like I had been in the woods for a long time.
We began walking back to his campsite and I saw him sitting on the ground reading a book. I tried to find the best way for him to notice me. All I saw was a big ledge leading down to the creek.
"Okay, Julie." I whispered. "We are going to be playing games, loud enough for him to hear and see us. Then, when he's watching, I'm going to fall off the ledge, kay?"
Julie nodded in agreement and then we started to play the only game we knew. I run away, and she trots after me. We finally ran like 8 laps around the campsite before I stopped on the ledge and looked at him. He was looking at me.
"Hey girl! Are you lost? Come here, you can stay with me"
Just then, Julie pushed me down the ledge. This was the deepest part of the creek and not to long after I 'fell', I felt two strong hands grip my arms and pull me up.
"Are you okay?"
"Perfectly fine." I said staring at him. Then I realized how I was sitting. I was sitting on his lap. Just touching him was giving me tingles everywhere. I felt like my heart was going to explode with happiness. He saw me staring and smiled.
"Hey, I'm Joey."
"I'm Melanie."
"Melanie's? The missing Melanie?"
"I don't know am I missing?"
"Well, now we both are."
"Do you have anything to drink? I'm really thirsty."
"Uh, green tea. If you don't like that all I have is some water from the creek."
"Okay, umm no thanks right now. Can we stand, this is a little bit... awkward."
"Oh yea. Of course."
"I only have one tent soooo... I can sleep outside if you want."
"No we can sleep in the same tent. I don't care."
"Well," Joey said checking his watch. "It's 9:30, so we should get to bed."
This night is not going to end well for me.

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