Chapter 15-- Explanation

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JULIA'S POV (This is going to be kind of short)

This whole trip i have been worried sick that it will happen at the worst time. Like i could be talking to a human like Joey and then i will fall onto the floor and turn into a demon dog while I'm in pain. Ugh, i think i will just tell her and stay home till this is over.

"hey, i cab't come in for a bit. IT is happening." I tell her when she answers her phone

"Oh, alright." She says. "Take it easy and drink a lot of water. Remember to eat you meals and make sure to keep it semi healthy."

"Alright, mom." I smile.

"Now, get to bed and do shut up. You are disturbing whatever they are doing." She said in a grandma voice

"Alright, alright. Stop." I say hanging up

" My goodness." I say as i try to get up from the couch but i can't. 

"Aiden!" I scream

"What? What's wrong?" He comes running in

"I need help." I say, pouting my lower lip

"With what?" He say looking at me with concerned eyes

"I'm stuck on the couch." I say looking at him like 'duh'

"Oh, yes. Move your leg." He says and put my feet on the ground. Once i did, he laid down beside me. 

"Now, I'm stuck, too." He says smiling at me

"Oh my God!!! It's happening now!" I scream out in pain a few minutes later

"Alright." He says calmly picking me up

***** 6 hours later*****

Now, that that is over. I am holding my 6 cubs, 3 in each arm. I can't believe that this has happened. Here is a little bit of werewolf knowledge: Our kind of wolf does not need a father to become pregnant, it just happens naturally when we turn 18. Like exactly when we turn eighteen.

Here is a list of my children:
2 girls- Alana and Dawn

4 boys- Boone, Kendal, Jordan, and Wyatt 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2016 ⏰

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