Chapter 3--- Meet My Girls

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This morning I woke up to find myself snuggled into Joeys chest and his arms around me.
"Umm, Joey."
Nothing. I reached up to check his pulse and it was beating
"Joey, please wake up."
"But I don't wanna wake up."
"We need to get up. I have something to show you. And tell you."
"Okay, fine." He opened his eyes and i could easily see surprise in his eyes.
"Can you release me, I don't like being a prisoner."
"No actually, i like it this way. I might leave it this way."
"Then i can't show you anything."
"Ugh, fine. Only for this."
"Yes!! Follow me."
I walk outside to see Julia staring at me.
"Julie, bring my little ones." I whisper into her ear. She nods and trots of towards the forest
"Joey," I say turning around. "While they are on their way here. I need to tell you something."
"What is it."
"I have 3 children."
"Can you do me a favor."
"Uh, sure."
"I need you to pretend to be their father."
"Okay, I'll try my best."
"They are triplets. Cassie, Madelyn, and Annalise."
"I've never been a father so help me out some."
I turn around to see my beautiful girls riding on the back of Julia.
"Hello, my darlings."
"Who's that, mommy." Madelyn said
"This is your father. His name is Joey, but you will call him daddy."
"Daddy!" They yelled in unison
"Wait girls. He hasn't seen you since you were borne. He doesn't know which one of you is which. So you can all catch up, how bout you do a meeting circle. Cassie, you go first."
"Okay momma. My name is Cassie. I am 9 and a 1/2 years old. My favorite food I'd honey. My favorite drink is water. And..... I love to race."
"Annalise, you next."
"My name is Annalise. I am 9 and a 1/2 years old. My favorite hobby is swimming. My favorite song is Anna sun. I love to sing."
"My name is Madelyn. I am 9 and a 1/2 years old. My favorite sport is soccer. My favorite color is teal. I love animals."
"How do you do this."
"You say your name, age, two of your favorite things, and something you love."
"Okay. So, my name is Joey. I'm 21 years old. My favorite animal is a wolf. My favorite instrument is a guitar. I love singing."
"Hey Annalise, you should ask your father if he could sing Anna Sun for you."
"Will daddy. Pleeeeeeaaseee."
FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Annalise, Cassie, Madelyn.

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