Chapter 12-- What happened

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I woke up to the sound of screaming. I was in my room and i realised that it was me screaming. I quickly shut up and got up. It was like 4:30 in the morning and it was time to find her. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. After eating like 5 pop tarts, i left a note on the counter and walked out the doorway. After walking a good 25 miles into the woods, i started calling her name.
"McKenna! I sense you here! Come out!"
"Darling, you haven't changed one bit!" The woman said as she emerged from a group of trees.
"Mother, this isn't a reunion. This is a revenge plot. Are you willing to help me or not?"
"I guess i could but what do i get?"
"To take down some wolves, and i might let you see the girls. Maybe, i'll consider it."
"Alright, you have yourself a deal."
"How about a hug for your momma?"
"How about a no, vampire!" I said looking at her. Most humans can't tell, but she is. She hasn't aged since 20 years ago. After we were borne, my father turned my mother, broke her heart, and left her for good. We haven't seen him since then. Well, they haven't.
"You certainly haven't changed. Hey, before you go, where's a good place to find some good, fat, meaty squirrels? I'm in a squirrelly mood right now."
"Follow me, I'll show you." I said as i lead her through the trees. 

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