Mingyu ~ Date ~ SetsukoChannie

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"Jagiya!!!" Your boyfriend Mingyu called shouting your name.

Yes, you are in a relationship with Seventeen's visual Kim Mingyu. Dating an idol is hard but you didn't care because you really really love him.

You fell in love with him so quick. Why? Just imagine a handsome person courting you. Isn't that heaven?

"I'm here Mingyu-ah!" You replied.

"Eodi? I can't find my princess! Baby show yourself~" Mingyu said acting like a cute baby.

"I'm at the kitchen. I'll start cooking our food. What do you want for lunch aegiya?" You asked.

"Baby.. dress up! We're going on a date!" Mingyu said excitedly while he hugged you on your waist.

"Oh really? I thought you have a practice later at three in the afternoon." You said.

"Baby. It's a surprise! That's why I lied hehe. Mianhaeyo Jagiya~ but you love me right?" Mingyu said rubbing your cheeks with yours.

"Why is my jagi acting like a baby so suddenly? And yes I love you!" You said while walking towards your room to dress up.

"Mingyu I'm going to take a shower first arachi?" You said and closed the door of your bathroom.

It took an hour for you to prepare your self and you dressed yourself into a blue sweater with white shorts and a white sneakers.

Your relationship has been announced in public already but Mingyu still has to wear a disguise. You want to be like other couples who can go out on their dates without being interrupted and not disguising.

The two of you first went to the park. You took a walk and then eat ice cream together at a hidden area so no one can see you.

"Mingyu I'm going to the bathroom first okay. Wait for me." You said then went to the nearby restroom.

You went back seeing your boyfriend having a lot of girls around him.

"Seems like we got caught again are we." You say to yourself.

You just sat at a bench not so far but also not close to him. Just enough for you to see him with his fangirls all over him.

This is normal already. It's always like this. It doesn't turn to a date but most likely a fan meeting to him.

While sitting at the bench you saw a lot of couples holding each others hand, sleeping beside each other and hugging each other. How you wish that you were like that too but no. It would never happen and you already knew that.

You just look at the couples but when you look at the direction of Mingyu just a while ago. He wasn't there anymore. You looked around but couldn't see him.

"Maybe he left me again."

You just started to walk on your way back to your house since you know what's going to happen next.

You're spacing out while walking and didn't notice that you already bumped into someone.

"Oh mianhae!" You said and bowed not looking at the person's face.

Suddenly you felt a hand on your wrist and that made you turn to that person.


"Oh Mingyu! I thought you left me again already so... oh well I guess I was wrong." You said but he replied nothing but hugged you instead.

"Baby I'm sorry if we are not like a regular couple but I promise you that unlike others I will never ever leave you. Sorry and I love you. Please don't leave me." Mingyu said. You were shocked when he say that but you just hugged him too.

"Baby I love you too and I will never ever leave you. I promise." You whispered.


"Nae jagi!"

"Oh and baby I already told them that if they saw us again on our date. I told them to just wave at me instead of coming to me. Is that better?" Mingyu said still hugging you.

"Anything is good whenever I am with you."


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