Wonwoo ~ Waiting for you

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I just want to say Happy Birthday to our Wonwoo Oppa!! 원우 오빠 사 랑해요! 새일축아해요! 원우 오빠 바이팅!♡♡

I hope you guys like this!♡♡


You sat by your room's window waiting for things to happen. You don't know what is happening.

Are there someone who cares for me? Who loves me? Will someone saw me here? And If they did what will happen?

I'm just going to wait here waiting for the right things to happen. You don't know that I'm waiting for you and if you did will you care? Who am I for you to even notice.

You always do this. Wait and nothing will happen. You believed that nothing will happen even if you wait.

You were feeling the night's wind when suddenly your phone rang.

"Hello? Who is this?" You asked since only the phone number appeared at your phone.

"Why do you always do this? Waiting isn't everything. Why don't you look at the bright side? Discover things and find your way. Do that and you'll find what you are looking for and at the same time I'll find what I'm looking for." It was a mans voice who spoke. You too were shocked. Suddenly you feel that those words were directed to you.

The man was right. You never did look at the right side. You couldn't do anything. You just felt empty and didn't know what to do and also don't know why.

You looked outside your window. There were people. Lots of people and they were having fun. You looked at yourself at the mirror and you wanted to put a smile on that face. Not a force smile but a true smile and happiness.

You put on your jacket and went outside your house. You want to discover things. That's your goal.

You saw the lamp post's light and the bench without anyone sitting on them. Somehow you felt happiness and disappointment.

You were happy because of what is happening and you were disappointed since you only knew this now.

Why am I the only one who is seeing this right now?

You sat at the bench and closed your eyes.

I just want things to be back to normal.

"You know Jagiya it's not too late." A voice said behind you making you open your eyes.

"I'm sorry Wonwoo. Please forgive me. I was.. I was selfish and here I am wanting you back. I didn't saw you back then but I see you brightly now." You said as a tear fell on your eyes when you saw what you were waiting for.

Now you know what and why

"Why are you like this? Why do you make things hard for me?"

"I'm so sorry... I'm sorry... I know that I shouldn't be just waiting for you. I realized that waiting won't change anything.. what's important is that I make things happen." You said.

"So please Wonwoo take me back? Just this time.. one more chance please?"

"I will... I still love you." Wonwoo said taking what's his back"


I hope you like this guys♡♡♡

Seventeen Oneshots/ ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz