Woozi ~ Not my bully ~ Julie_14

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Hey guys!!!!

I missed you all so much!!

I am so done with life huhuhu *cries a river*

Exams are done and yeah I am sooo done with life!!

I'll try writing what my feelings are if anyone request a story which I will be the one who will be doing the plot but yeah...

So this is for Julie_14 !!! I hope you like this Julie thanks for the long wait

And thank you guys for cheering me for my exam guys love yah!


You looked at your phone while your earphones are plugged in your ears not knowing what is happening around you. You enjoy doing this every single day. With the wind hitting your face and making your hair sway you sat at the tree branch.

"Hey Julie what are you doing there? You want to be alone huh?" Your bully Woozi said while climbing the tree to go to you.

You didn't respond. When he reached you and sat at the branch you jumped down leaving him there.

He called your name but you just ran. It really annoys you whenever he bullies you when you don't even do anything to him. Like seriously what is wrong with him.

While running you bumped into someone making you fall while he. It seems like nothing happened to him. He was still standing at his place. You touched your head in pain while he approached you. He offered his hands to help you and you grabbed it.

This person is nice...

When you got back to your senses you clearly saw his face but couldn't recognize him. Is this guy new here?

Is he new here?? But he is cute haha

"Hey are you okay?" The boy asked.

You just stared at his eyes. Oh darn those eyes. You just liked his attitude nothing more oh and his eyes too.

"Oh yeah I'm good!" You said raising your thumb.

"I'm Vernon and I'm new here. What's your name?"

"Mine's Julie!"

You were about to say something when you heard the bell rang.

"Oh shoot it's already time! Gotta go bye! I'll see you later!" You said and started running again.

You arrived at your classroom and was relieved when your professor wasn't there yet. You sat at the back sit and kept your phone and earphones.

You sensed someone sat beside you but you didn't looked at the person instead you started putting your pen outside your bag.

You were looking at the blackboard when something landed on your head. And you already know who it was and what is was. It's him woozi again throwing paper at you.

You were kinda used to it already and ignored him. Suddenly someone pokes your right arm. That's when you looked at the person beside you. Oh it was the guy from before. Vernon.

The two of you chatted with each other for the whole hour until dismissal. Woozi just stared at the both of you hoping that you notice him.

"Hey Julie! Piggy! Fattie Julie!!! Hey!" Woozi shouted but you ignored him again.

Now you've done it. Woozi grabbed you at your arms and dragged you towards the back of the school.

He didn't speak a word and just kissed you out of nowhere. He too was shocked on his actions but you didn't react.

You know what you feel and he too knew that. And that's the beginning of your love story.


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