10. it's time to get closer

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(Y/n pov timeskip a month)
We go out school. School can be really hard, specially when you left it for 3 years (more caused from resets) and start new subject with no knowlege. Now that we are free I can res...
"Hey y/n, d-do you want t-to..." chara said, strange she never stammered.
"Hey, dont worry or I wont understand" I saying chuckling,
"We three for a date" frisk said, what the fuuuuu.. "we three?" I ask uncertaly.
"Yes, I want to know you too" frisk say. "Dont count on it" I say.
"Let me reformulate, today is my free day, so I will spent it with chara like usual, do you want to come too?" Frisk say, chara blushing looked away, I was tired from school, maybe a cola would wake me up, "Ok what's today plan?",
"hyppie, you wont regrent it, next stop at the karaoke" frisk say
After an hour of frisk singing lame song like london bridge is falling down or bye bye i was really exausted. "Y/n, do you want to sing with me?" Chara said. "Yes" I said without thinking, "perfect, I choose my song, your?" Chara asked, "favourite song (please think of song as a duet), I think is great"
After we sing f/s chara put her on and laughing maniacally
"Ahahahha mortal human, I bet i can scream louder than you" I looked at the screen and reconize the song and in a second say "Ah you wanna bet", "ahahahaha, bet"
Rev up, power up, rev up, power up, REV UP, POWER UP, REV UP, POWER UP, OK STOP MY EARS.
Timeskip (yes I wanted to make karaoke longer but onestly I have not ideas)
We were walking on a way and taking an ice cream. Frisk started "hey y/n, do you know about reset?", I looked at chara and she was surprise and ashamed, "yes, and I know it all started with you" i say, "listen, chara didnt tell me anything further, but I want to say sorry for whatever you pass" frisk say, she doesnt seem to lying, "the fact you saying sorry is enough to me, and dont worry, you dont need to be scared about me killing you" i say, feeling safe, "you would?" She asked scared, "Ok, let me be clear. f
First i dont hate you,
second i dont want another reset and third i like stay here, and a kill would mess around and that would be a shame" I said, frisk seemed more calm.
"But I proclaim an armistice, if you reset again without a good reason for me, I will kill you continously, understand" with that frisk gulped, but chara beat jokily my head.
"Sans give us so many treat that we are immune to it now" she say laughing.
Frisk breathe and said "Ok I promise" frisk say, "Ok good, now i have to go home, maybe Kate must asking where I am" I said, "Kate?" Frisk asked thinking clearly something else, "she's my sister, took of that harem face" I said looking at her changing her face, "I dont have an harem face" she say pouding, "yes you have" chara said holding her laugh.
I turn back and going for home, when a pile of bone hit me at my chest, piercing my hoddie, in a second i put my arms on the hole so chara wouldnt see my scars. I dont want to freak her with that now. I fall on my back and watching toward me. I notice sans with a right yellow eye.
"SANS, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" Chara shout, "he's not a normal human and he survive at my attack, and the kr doesnt affect..." sans start but chara interrupt him,
"I DONT CARE, HE'S MY FRIEND AND YOU HIT HIM YOU WEAPON" chara said, standing to protect me, even frisk interfer, Sans eye got stronger and i feel his magic rise, i clearly see he is pissed. "She's right sans" frisk say, sans calm down
"girls, you notice him to be different, he can be dangerous and maybe kill you, I dont want to get that risk", on that I copy his teleport skill, like I throught it easier that slenderman but with the previus hit and the tiredness make me do it once, "you're lucky sans, if i'm dangerous like you say, then you would be dead right where you are now" i say menacing him,
"y/..." chara try to say but I cut her, "dont worry, I will heal myself at home, for now I really want to sleep, and sans, try this again A N D    I
W I L L     K I L L       Y O U" I say,
he backward a bit scared "and chara now you can say my story to frisk, she's not a reset danger anymore" I finished and run away.
(Chara pov)
Fuck, he's hurt, but why does he cover the hole on the hoddie? Maybe 'cause he doesnt wanted to worry me. I looked and sans trowing him a fist.
"Woah, what are you doing?", he say, blocking my punch with magic.
"You hurt my friend" I say,
"chara, that guy its too suspicius, he is ..." frisk stopped him "chara, what does he mean reset danger? And why he can copy sans?" I huffed and start explain
"Fuck that sick" frisk say, its the first time I hear her swearing.
"Im sorry for the kid, but the rest?" Sans asked.
"He stopped to it because he's cursed to not say anything about his family" I say, "half dragon, that would explain how he survive at my attack and copied my teleport skill" sans think out loud,
"what do you mean?" I asked confused,
"the dragons feed and power up eating magic, and human have really high amount of magic, with that y/n, can change his soul and powers agaist any enemy, like frisk changing green for undyne or yellow for mettaton" Sans explained.
"This guy is dangerous" frisk say, "and yet, HE'S MY FRIEND, AND NOONE OF YOU TWO WILL HURT HIM AGAIN, AM I CLEAR?" I shouted trying to make them desist agaist any worries.
"Chara, he maybe dont hate me and forgive sans, but the missing part of the story sound more like something really dangerous" frisk say, i cant reveal them our first meeting
"So dont open pandora's chest" I say, I see their confuses faces, I should play other games other fortnite, maybe destiny 2 or titanfall 2 (2 of my favourite shooter, maybe third position borderlands saga).
"I mean, if he's dangerous we will see, until then we need to wait" I explain,
"and if he would be agaist us?" sans asked,
"he doesnt want frisk reset, until we have this card to play he wont be a treat" i say.
"I hope you right, because I go crazy, but him is a thousand times more than me. Maybe even manipulable" sans say, "like?" I asked,
"like the faceless man that got out his house and midnight" he say, "uhhh, I know if we ask he will answer us" i justify himself,
"and what if he lie?" Sans say again, dammit, that a really counter back, wait how do he know it? Maybe "sans i know what you trying to do, but if you continuing I will break your all 207 bones" i say, "but chara, I have 206 bones" he say, "one more when you are with frisk", with that he teleport away with his signature blue blushing,
"why do you have to say that?" Frisk asked blushing too, "frisk, i know you have a crush for someone else, but i really wanted to get rid of sans now. Maybe at this rate you will fall in love with him" I say laughing,
"I can say the same for you" she answer back. "What do you..?"
Drin drin
"Hell...." "CHARA, NOW EVEN FRISK STAY OUT LATE, ARE YOU CONTAGIUS?!" mom shouted, "but mom, it's just 20:30" I say
"Chara, I've already prepare dinner and your brother and father already eat all of it" she say
"Ok we are coming mom" frisk say shouting on my ear so mum could hear, with that I hung and we go at home. I'm curius what frisk wanted to say, but maybe its better this way.
Sorry, I had a really hard time at school and I had to study. Dont worry I prepare the rest of the story. I didnt find the name of the right character, but I take the chara photo from the story "No heroes". Ps i even try to make chara a little shorter, but Im not good at photoshop, the glasses are second and sticker so if you notice the white and grey cubes that because I take it from google. the song is from or3o and title you can think about it

the proxy and the princess (female chara x male proxy reader)Where stories live. Discover now