(Y/n pov, timeskip 2 month, at the appartament)
FUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKKKK, I didnt throught school could be that hard, at start I take 9 and 8 at tests, but now just 5 and 6, at least they wont retired me for now.
But in these two month chara avoid me like I am some kind of freaky ill, onestly this is the first time I actually feel like I'm the problem.
Dind dong, at the door were frisk.
"Hey y/n" frisk say,
"Oh, hey frisk, what's up?" I asked,
"I wanted to ask you and try to talk with chara, she isnt feeling well and maybe..." frisk started a long monologue but I cut her.
" Even if I try she wouldnt even speak a word to me" I say
"Are you sure to be ok, from your eyes you seem to not sleeping....",
"yeah, yeah i know, sleep is useless and life is a eternal torture" with that i close the door, im actually sorry that frisk try to help me and chara and I treat her like shit.
For now I dont need anyone, if I can only know how to get chara trust again. Maybe if I stalk her i understand what she want. As I follow frisk without making me notice I start thinking about what to do.
(Frisk pov)
Dammit, y/n doesnt listen any reason and chara is getting more depressed since always, I hoped he could help me.
At home
"Chara, are you still alive?" Chara doesnt answer,
"maybe if I try this" I open a chocolate bar in front of her, she didnt even react.
"Chara, please, at least tell me why do you are so...stuck" I asked
"Do you wanna know? I thinked about what I feel about y/n and I have come to a conclusion, I love y/n" I am happy she say that, but something feel off,
I hope y/n listen me, or next time I will send sans to drag him here, even with magic.
(Y/n pov)
I really want to fix this situation, say "hey chara, I present you my family, I hope you like them" but boss would never allow me to do that.
"Pss, y/n" I heard hoodie behind a bushes, I hide with him.
"What are you doing here? For what i know just me, masky and kate should stalk and protect monster, me especially chara",
"are you having trouble with that girl?".
"Kate and Lauren keep talking. They told us about your problems" I stay silent.
"Listen, I know boss would punish you because he specifically said to not say her about us, but try. Maybe she would trust you more" hoodie say,
"how that solve the problem?" I asked,
"for what boss told at the villa she feel betrayed because you lied to her",
"i had no other choice for boss rules",
"yes but she's your soulmate, u shouldnt hide anything to her, you know she already have trust difficulty, dont weight it with lies. And you know boss he give us rules but we always break them for our entertament. " with that I lay up saying
"Fuck i hate when you're right".
Ding dong, frisk open the door
"Well, look who finally get up his lazy ass" frisk say,
"I've got an idea that can solve everything, can you borrow me your sister for a while?" Frisk doesnt say anything except letting me go inside.
I go to her room following frisk, when chara saw me she look away, like I was a ghost.
I take her hand and teleport to the bench of mt ebott lake.
It's actually the first time I teleport with someone else, does it have some effect? I look at chara.
She look sick for a moment and put an hand on her mouth like she was ready to throw up. I wait for her get ready and start speaking.
"Listen, I know you feel betrayed, but what I hide were thing my boss told me to hide" I say, chara keep looking at me without speaking a word.
"For gain your trust again I will tell you everything, even if I probably be punished for it" I say, chara looked more curius.
"You promise to say everything?" She say.
"I will" I say. She smile so much that I wanted to do a photo.
"I stopped at my faint with kate. When I wake up I had all bandage over me on a bed. I dont know why, the girl I meet was all cover by blood and a knife on right hand, so i throught she would kill me.
I sit up and search for an exit, dont know how but I ended in the kitchen and see all my "family". They were eating a corpe. I throught they would eat me so i search for an exit. They didnt notice me, so I just carefull go around until my boss notice my escape and took me surprise with one of his tentacool, i try to break free but I was too hurt to do so.
He talk into my mind like charles xavier and say "dont worry, I wont hurt you". He wanted me to stay with them until my wounds.
After a while I stayed with them I felt like home, I train, i play, i eat, sometimes boss say to me how to improve my power and gave me some information about dragons, everything was perfect."
In my head grew some big but. "Yeah there was jeff and some others I wasnt too friendly, or hunting at first, but nothing too hard.
One day boss told me if I wanted to stay i had to bring food like the other, so I went for a kill with toby and clockwork, they were stalking an abusive asshole.
I go with them, I throught I would feel something but... nothing.
Even when he beat the kid we didnt move for help the kid.
Clockwork words were "We are not superhero, just "avengers", the joke was not intetional, i mean... we make him pay for the bad he cause".
All I throught wasnt "make him pay" but it was "stay with them".
At the evening, when he go at sleep we move for killing him. Toby do the wife and clockwork take the childrens out.
It was just me and him, I wont never forget, it was like time slow down. I wasnt excited or worried, but neither calm. I check his lv for be sure he was guilty and I freeze in place, a fucking level 32."
"Wait a second, how? He kill that much people?" Chara asked out of blue. She realize it and put both hands on her mouth.
"Im happy that you talk again, for explain i dont think kill is the only way to gain lv, maybe its how shitty you are for gain lv" I say thinking back at boss words.
"Continuing, I stabbed him Repeatly and get his lv, when I bring it to boss he tatoo a mark on me so he could eat my lv throught it and my determination would help them too with the resets.
From then my daily routine became wake up, get fun, kill bad guy and demons, train if I dont have anything and go to sleep, eating for me in secondary because my digestion took like 48 hours for complete" as I end she looked me confuse.
"Demons? What are they?" Chara asked.
"Well demons are gods slaves, when they died they tryies anything to destroy humans, but bad news, my boss is agaist it so sometimes we fight" I explain, i dont know why boss fight demons, but I know he doesnt enjoy killing or feed of our sins like i dont like kill.
"I will jump our fights because are long and irrilevant.
One day, after a battle with them I go for lv for boss because injiuries and i meet you.
When boss discover you told us he search your family from very long and he tell to us all to protect you all. For you in particular boss told me to get closer for help you with bullies. Everything i do was really for befriend with you, not because he order me so. The rest you can think of it" I say.
"Y/n, thanks you" chara say,
"and for what? Listen i know you have some trust issues, but i wouldnt hide to you anything if my boss didnt tell me to do so." I say, she seemed ressured by that,
"and I promise to tell you everything, because as i care for my family i care for you too" I say,
"Ok, and I promise to trust you, anything will happen" chara say, I was going to hug her, but she stopped me.
"But first..." she say shily
"....close your eyes" she say covering with one hand a blush.
I do as she say and after a little I feel my lips touch hers. OMG SHE'S KISSING ME, WHAT I HAVE TO DO? Ok dont panic i just missunder....
I feel her tongue knock to my teeth, so it's true. I open them slowly, I dont know what to do in these case, I never seen a movie or a scene like that.
I gently touch her tongue with mine and push a little, she put her soft hands on my cheeks. Her mouth was so hot, snd it taste like chocolate? I was so happy that i lay my hands on her cheeks and push harder. I felt something fell of my face, but we both enjoy it too much that I didnt care.
Chara stopped the kiss for take a breath.
"Wow, that was handsome" she say, "yes it is" I say. She looked at me.
"Y/n, for me it's the first time I feel something like that but I want to tell you, I love you" she say, I look at her eyes and say "I love you too" but her smile fade when she look at my eyes. "Y/n, why do you have red eyes?" I was surprise touching my face and the glasses were not there anymore. I feel my face burn. How can i tell her about it?
"Welll, its a dragon thing and boss told me if someone see this someone could know i was a dragon and blow up my undercover" I say, damn if I tell her about the soulmates thing she goes crazy.
"Really?" She say suspecting something,
"yes, we can ask to your mother. I dont want to be the one who tell you" I say, tectinally is the truth.
"Ok, but no teleport, you need to train with that, I was close to throw up"she say, onestly i still have to train with this power,"roger"
Ok, another chapter complete, how is until now? You like it? Comment and share so it grow and maybe I will publish sooner

the proxy and the princess (female chara x male proxy reader)
Romanceone day y/n we're going out for search some prey for his master and find some bullies fighting agaist a little girl