Frisk pov
What happen? Why y/n seems sad?
"You fight with chara?" I ask.
"She doesnt trust me because I lied to avoid speaking something I cant speak about"
"What you hiding to her?"
"I cant speak about it to anyone. And chara think I lied to her. I mean, i lied but I didnt want to hurt her" he say.
"Is this really important?" I ask. He loves chara and from what grillby says he fall deeply in love into her.
"If your family says to keep a secret and if you reveal to anyone you will kick out this family you would do it?" He say.
"Wait, it mean you have to choose your family or chara? Why dont both?"
"I dont know, maybe boss doesnt want to involve monsters to his traffic" he say. His eyes dark a bit
"Now you re lying" I say.
"How do you..."
"I have to keep my secret to myself. But i know he is not somekind of drug dealer" I say smiling.
"Im not in the mood. Go fuck yourself" he say. I stopped walking. He just insult me?
"Hey i hope you not angry with me" I say walking faster to reach him.
"Noooo. Just a little pissed" he say.
"Look you dont need to be rude" I say.
"Who is rude? I just realize how much life is shitty sometimes"
"You joking right? You got more luckiest things over your unluck"
"Examples" he say.
"You got a family after you run away your father. After your boss try to get rid of you you found chara"
"What?" He stop.
"Boss try to get rid of me?" He ask. Oh no.
"Or maybe..." I start but he run away faster than i could. Dammit of my mouth.
(Y/n pov)
I go to the bathroom of the school and lock in. Why boss try to get rid of me? I always done my job good.
I think back of what I've done for him. For how many assholes i killed for make him survive. Then why?
Maybe I got it wrong. Maybe frisk missunderstood.
I go out and go to the classroom
(Chara pov)
I cannot believe he keep hiding things to me. I dont told anyone he is a serial killer. And I dont say to frisk he . . . I dont know anything else.
"Chara?" I heard frisk call me.
"Yeah frisk" I say.
"What happen this morning?" She ask.
"I just told y/n to fuck off. He doesnt trust me for his secrets then I dont trust him"
"Chara you know he will surely have his reasons" she try to defend him.
"Why you defend him? You think is just that easy?" I ask
"Chara. He is your friend" she say. Suddenly he come inside. I look at him. He come toward me.
"I want to talk after. Do you want?" He ask, but I dont talk. I just nodded a no.
He go sit on his place.
(The lesson ended fast.)
I run fast away for avoid y/n follow me. As I hide in the forest I take a breath.
"Im fast" a voice told behind me.
I turn around and see y/n.
I keep my mouth sealed.
"Uh? You want to make a silent scene?" He say.
I stay silent. I see his face better and...
For avoid talking i put my hands on my mouth and avoid showing him im blushing.
"Ufff. Look i cant reveal it futher than i already told you. Please understand." He say.
I look away.
I see with the corner of the eyes he's crying behing his glasses.
He take my hand.
(Y/n pov)
I try to speak with her but nothing seems to work. I go at home. Tecnically it was a break not the end of school.
But I dont care now. I go to the appartament.
"Y/n what are you doing here?" Kate ask opening the door.
"Chara hate me" I say. We both watch masky.
"What?" He ask.
"Chara is without a bodyguard" kate say.
"Look him. He is supposed to watch her now" he say. We both stay silent.
"Ugh okay" he say as he take the mask and go away.
"Tell me everything" kate say firmly.
"Ugh. If I tell you you get the fuck out?" I ask.
"Yes" she say.
"Chara doesnt trust me. She know about boss, about family and want to know more from me but because the rules of boss prevent me to doing so" I explain.
"Maybe he has his reasons" she try to ressure me.
"No. He try to get rid of me" I say.
"Oh. Uhhhhh, There something I can do to help?" She ask.
"Yes. Go away. I dont know but now I feel greatly tired" I say. Kate for the first time listen to me and go away. I go to my bed.
(No one pov)
Kate run to the villa. She understand Boss surely know how to resolve this.
"BOSS" she shout as she get in.
"What happen kate?" Jeff come.
"Where are everyone?" Kate ask.
"They all hunt farer now because it was a danger hunt close to monster"
"Boss?" Kate simply ask.
"He is at his office" jeff say.
"Thanks" she say.
Jeff muttered whispering "and how are you jeff? Fine. How things with jane? She's still the same bitch."
"BOSS" kate shout as she enter the lab.
"Chaser?" Slenderman ask.
"Boss is bad. Chara found out about us and leave y/n. We need to do something" she say.
"Calm down and let me read your mind" he say as he put a hand on her head.
"I cant believe. It finally happening" slenderman say.
"Boss what we do?" Kate ask.
"Nothing. The best scenario y/n will throw us away and get with the princess" slenderman explain.
"WHAT?" kate shout enough to break a close mirror.
"Ouch" slenderman say.
Kate jump, grab the neckbrand and climb slenderman.
"What are you doing" ge ask confuse.
"Try to make you spit out your plan" kate say.
"Uff. Kate you need to ask"
Slenderman make kate sit on a chair and sit on another chair.
"Kate. Y/n and chara are bound together. They will be together in all situation possibles" slenderman start.
"But there is a problem. If y/n doesnt cut his connections to he will surely drag the princess to us and I want to avoid it."
"So you throught he would leave us"
"I hoped so. But y/n loves us so much that he didn't do it and im worried."
"Why dont you say that to anyone?"
"Because there was no need"
"Now I understand. I will tell to everyone"
"If we all agree to make y/n stay in our family even you wouldnt dare to face it"
"This is not a democracy" slenderman get up and menacly shout
"Well without us you would die for hunger." Slenderman throught a moment and sit down again.
". . . I dont want chara to become a proxy. And her family must not find out that we are serial killers. You think to do that?"
"Now that you explain it it hard. But not impossible if we all think about it"
Slenderman stay silent. He think about how wrong he was to want to do everything himself.
"I sent a comunication to everyone and they all come here" slenderman say.
"It was so hard" kate jokingly say.
"Another joke and I will rip your flesh" slenderman growled.
(Chara pov)
I get out school. I cant believe y/n really abbandon school right now.
"Chara really it..."
"Frisk. I never lied to you. You ever lie to me? Except your joking lies" I say.
She stay silent.
"I know it a bit overexaggerated but I really cant help to doubt him. How many things he lie about?" I say
Frisk just go away. I stop thinking a moment about my memories. About y/n. I feel something I cant recall. Why does it hurt stay away from him?
I look around when I realize everyone go away.
Seriusly time doesnt move at the same speed or sometimes it really inexplicable.
A hand grab my arm.
I look to my left and see. Kyle?
"Well bitch. Now your prince its not around to help you" he say.
"I dont need him to kick your ass" I say. Another hand grab my other hand.
"That why we will help him" josh appear.
Bob get behind me and get my necklace.
"If you want it back all in one piece come alone at the alley" he say.
If he wanted to piss me off HE FUCKING SUCCESSED.
(Y/n pov)
I was on my bed but surprisly nothing happen.
Drin drin
Why I talk?
"Y/n boss called all proxies. You have to watch the princess"
"Wait i ca..." I was late. He already hang up.
Damn why? I cant go to stay with chara and I cant..... maybe u can just stalk her. I slowly change myself now that I notice.
I run to search chara and I find her going to the alley we meet the first time.
I get faster to reach it before her, do the same path to reach the top of the condominium like i did the first time and look.
"Well well well. Look what we have here" I heard kyle say. I look at him and see his 2 friend are behind him.
"Kyle i tell you now. Give me back my necklace" chara say. What she is thinking?
"Ops. I think I broke it" he say throwing at chara the pieces. She angrily attack him.
I get angry too but at the first step i heard chara voice in my head.
I make a step backward and think a plan.
Who can help now chara? Who.... who can give kyle orders? Right.
I try to use sans teleport skill using just the face of the guy i search.
I close my eyes and focus on his face. As I open them again i see him playing poker.
"What are you doing here?" He ask.
"You have to come with me" I say.
"Not now. I am going to win" he say.
I would beat him to make him coming with me but I decide another aproach.
"I wouldnt see. They have higher card than you" I say.
"How do you?"
"They are smiling, chara is in danger and kyle..." I wanted to keep up but he stop me.
"Kyle hurt the princess?"
"Yeah. Long short story chara doesnt want to see me and kyle want to hurt her"
"Bring me to them"
I teleport him behind them and I go to the condominium.
"Kyle" the boss say.
Kyle was too concentrated to the fight.
As chara notice the boss she stop.
"Ahah you think....." the fat one say but get a slap from the boss.
The other two look him at fear.
The tall one start to run away but he get a slap too.
"Kyle, Bob, josh. I think I make myself clear. Dont disturb monster. I will have mercy and think this is all kyle fault." He say.
"Bru... Boss monsters" kyle started but get a punch in his stomach.
"From now on I will beat you everyday and remind you I AM THE BOSS HERE" he say. He take him from the hair and drag him somewhere.
Chara just watch the unpleasant show. She goes away right after that, looking sad.
As she goes away I go to take the pieces of her necklace.
(Slenderman pov)
"Guys i am here to ask you. You want y/n stay a proxy?" I ask.
"Fuck yeah" kate
"Hell yeah" jeff say.
"No need to ask" hoodie say.
"I-i-i dont want him t-to go away" toby say.
"He one of the few here to have the authorized to call me natalie" clockwork say.
"I wouldnt be there if he wasnt here" sally say.
"Neither me" ben continue.
"Meh no difference" Jack say.
"Not like we cant live without him" lauren say.
Charlie just nod a yes for my question.
"Who would bring me alchoools if not him" kagekao say.
"But kagekao he miss for weeks now. You tell me you didnt drink for so much?" Masky say.
"WEEKS?" kagekao shout.
"Ok I understand. Y/n befriend with everyone here. Im sorry to be egoist and choose from myself" I say.
"Why are we here to talk about it?" Masky ask.
"Because there a risk. That the princess become a proxy if he doesnt detach from us and it something I absolutely dont want"
"Boss. We have forcefully to hide us from the monsters? If we at least try..." clockwork.
"I already know what you thinking but no. They would reconize me with just a look." I say
"Then what we do? We cant stay with y/n. He cant stay with us with his girlfriend and we have to keep hiding" jeff explain.
"That why we are here" I say.
"What if we making it more difficult that it is?" Hoodie say.
"We are all ears" I say.
"I mean y/n would still be part of our family if he stay with chara. What we can do is just let it be. No interference." He say.
"What if something go wrong?" Kate say.
"We will think that if that happen. Y/n won't continue to kill anyway" he say.
"Yeah. . . . That maybe be a little problem" I show my throught.
"wow. You reach a whole level of asshole" jeff say.
"Boss this is cruel" sally say.
"You made those rules just to send away y/n" masky asked realising what the few weeks mean.
"Yeah. And I cant go to tell him to stop now. He would think i try to get rid of him"
"Boss... HE ALREADY THINK OF IT" kate shout.
"Im sorry" I say.
"Guys lets think a way to convince y/n to get closer to chara despise boss rules" masky suggest.
"Ok" they all say.
I made a mess and it will be hard to remedy. At least im not alone to reapir it.
(Chara pov)
I lay on the sofa sad. I feel bad without someone without laughing with. And I feel a hole in my chest.
I miss my necklace (a/n you throught she was talking about her heart right?).
I heard the doorbell ring. I go to open the door and see no one. I look down and see my necklace somehow repaired. It has some dent but nothing too evident. I think to know who did this.
"THIS CHANGE ANYTHING BETWEEN US" I shout to y/n wherever he was hiding. I slam the door and lay down the sofa again.
And there a new filler. Sorry for the few update but I have exam this year and I find really hard a little break. I hope you like it.

the proxy and the princess (female chara x male proxy reader)
Romanceone day y/n we're going out for search some prey for his master and find some bullies fighting agaist a little girl