Chapter 39

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Becky's pov.

A voice inside me reminded myself, prompting me to reluctantly continue. I sighed, gazing at the questions that followed. What was your behavior with children at school? When did you feel the first bout of aggression?

I knew Freen couldn't possibly answer these questions with no recollection of her past. These questions were formed for normal criminals, not mentally insane serial murderers.

Yet once again, I found myself fighting with urge to ask about Sam. Those were territories of Freen's mind I was the most unfamiliar with, yet the most drawn to. I wanted to know more about the darkness that inhibited inside her.

Focus on the project Becky, my subconscious reminded harshly. I cleared my throat, before moving on to the next question on the questionnaire.

"What was your first sexual encounter?" The words left my mouth before I had the time to process it.

Freen cocked her head to the side, an intrigued grin playing on her lips, "You'd like to know that, wouldn't you?"

I swallowed mortified. "'s a standardized question on the....I....I didn'" The insides of my mouth went dry, my mind not able to form basic English phrases under Freen's stare. My tongue cleaved to the roof of my mouth, as I closed my eyes in an attempt to regain from the stuttering mess. "You don't have to answer that."

Freen's chocolate eyes gleamed like stars as she mocked a frown, "But where's the fun in that? It was the only question you were stirred to ask." I narrowed my eyes discreetly, "I'd rather choke." I murmured under my breath.

"Is that so?" Freen leaned in closer to where I sat, a cool gleam in her eyes.

"Then how do you explain your breathing clearly become heavier? How do you explain your pulse elevating in a few seconds? Your heart, its beating faster isn't it?"

If I was beyond words before, it didn't even come close to my predicament now. Freen was perceptive, far too perceptive for my own sake. Freen quirked a brow, waiting for me to say anything.


"Uhm?" Freen smirked, clearly enjoying watching me struggle for words.

"God, you'" I clenched and released my fists repeatedly, searching for the right word to call this lunatic. I gave up when I realized that I was doing nothing more than putting on a show for Freen at the expense of my stupidity.


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