049 | Hurt & Miss Mystic Falls

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"Jer! Jer!" Alexia hears Elena's anxiety voice from downstairs causing her to wake up. She wipes her eyes slowly and let out a yawn as she walks downstairs.

"What's wr—," she begins, but gasps seeing Jeremy's lifeless body in Elena's arms. She runs to them and looks at Elena panicked as she tries to breathe. "What happened, Elena?" As she sees that Elena is panicked and now responding, she shouts. "What the hell happened, Elena!"

Elena continues to panic, but notices his ring in his finger. "I-I stabbed him in the throat.. but I swear I didn't know!"

Alexia covers her mouth as she looks at her hands that are now covered of Jeremy's blood.

"Will all her pain ends?" Sirius whispers shakily to Ayana, who's a few feet away from him.

The witch looks down and slowly shakes her head as Sirius lets out a shaky breath. He just wanted her to be happy.. was it so hard?

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"I can't believe this happened. What am I gonna say to him?" Elena asks to Damon, her tone panicked as Alexia watches Jeremy, his head on her laps, her fingers playing with his hair as his body is lying on the couch.

"That's just cute," Ginny and Hermione squeezes in excitement.

"Thanks for not ditching the family ring after it drove Ric away?" Damon says sarcastically as he looks at Alexia's who's looking at her brother with worried eyes. He notices Elena sighs and also let out a sigh, "you should've called Stefan."

"I don't wanna talk to him," Elena replies as she continues to walk around the room stressfully. "He's been lying to me and hiding things from me. He compelled Jeremy to forget god knows what."

"I know what he compelled him to forget.." Alexia mumbles under her breath, as she continues to run her fingers in her brother's hair, trying to find comfort.

"What?" Elena asks her with wide eyes. "You know and didn't tell me?"

Alexia lets out a hum and sighs, "I did. And I won't tell you. It's a thing between Stefussy, me, Nikki, Bekah and the dead hunter."

"Stefussy.. how lovely," Stefan mumbles massaging his forehead.

"What? Why not!"

"In fairness, I mean, I think you killing him kind of trumps that," Damon tells Elena taking her attention of her little sister. Elena gives him an annoyed look. "You should've called Stefan."

"I don't trust him right now, Damon," Elena tells him, irritated with the whole 'you should've called Stefan'.

The door open and walks in Stefan, "hey."

"P.S., I called Stefan," Damon says as Elena rolls her eyes and Alexia sighs, being between a love triangle.

Stefan finally stop walking, leaving a few feet between him and Elena, "what happened? Why didn't you call me?"

"I need to go upstairs and shower," Elena rolls her eyes, changing the subject. "Clean all the blood off my hands." She walks away.

"So should I. A hot shower won't kill me," Alexia says as she lets out a kiss on the top of the head of Jeremy and follows Elena to her bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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