Experiment-11 : Post-Mortem

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" .... "

* Fwish.... *

The jet-black figure stood on the road that was once a battlefield, ended by his interruption.

* cling *

The bat man set the Transteam Rifle up onto his shoulder, wisps of smoke coming out of the barrel as a result of the Steam Shot finisher.

He stared at the Square Smash, now a frail shadow of it's former self as it decayed into motes of light.

" .... "

He turned his attention to the other figure on the ground.

Albeit looking worse for wear, had he been even a second late, the purple-haired girl wouldn't be breathing as she is now.

[ * static... * ]

[ " .....Yo. " ]

A distorted voice echoed within the chambers of his helmet.

" ....The beast was taken care of. " The bat man replied, his voice portraying the same distortion.

[ " Yeah, I can tell. Otherwise, you wouldn't be speaking to me. " ]

" .... "

[ " Anyways, what do you think of the suit? Pretty sweet, right? " ]

" ...It is rather convenient. " The bat man said as he inspected the armor.

The main part of it consists of a black undersuit that covered his whole body, seemingly blending into the dark night.

On the chest is a silver armor piece with multiple tubes coming out of it, and connecting it to the rest of the suit are a pair of red and green wires which ran throughout the whole suit.

The emblem of a bat decorated the center of the chest-piece, as well as the helmet.

The helmet's most prominent feature, aside from the bat-shaped visor, is the rather large protusion coming out of the top of the head-piece.

The helmet's most prominent feature, aside from the bat-shaped visor, is the rather large protusion coming out of the top of the head-piece

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[ " Take the girl, the Fullbottles and the Build Driver and get out of there. The Smash had already caused panic among the civilians. Schicksal is probably on their way right now, not knowing it's already been defeated. " ]

" ....Understood. "

The bat man was about to do as he was told, and so he took a step towards the purple-haired girl.

" Are you the one responsible for this, mister? "

" ?! "

The bat man whipped his head towards his back, and was greeted with the sight of

" A....maid? "

A maid was standing there amidst the rubble, her gentle appearance seemingly out of place considering the environment she is in.

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