Chapter 20

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 Josh’s P.O.V

“C’mon guys” we were called to go back into the bus to go to our first concert. We. In a concert. In front of thousands of fans. Live. It was still overwhelming for all of us and we were very thankful for the 1D boys for allowing us to open for them.

We all headed into the hangout to waste time playing video games.

“SHHH” Niall came back from the bedroom “Stay quiet, they’re asleep”

I walked into the bedroom and found Samantha cuddled up into Zayn and they both asleep for almost 2 hours. I sat on her other side and watched the boys play video games.

What if the interviewer was right? What if she loves Zayn more than she loves me? I mean I have no idea how a relationship goes since she’s my first. I try to make her happy but work is getting in the way. He learned how to balance things, life, family, and a girlfriend. I, on the other hand, have no idea how these things go. What if she really hates me and she is really in it for the fame? I mean Dean sure doesn’t look that much different that Josh!

“Oh my god” I whispered to myself “You’re paranoid”

I relaxed a bit and tried to fall asleep, this was not the best start to what’s supposed to be the best time of my career.

Zayn’s P.O.V

“Sorry” I head someone whisper, I opened my eyes and everything was a blur. I mean that’s what happens when you just wake up, right?


“Sorry” She apologized “I didn’t want to wake you up”

“You didn’t” I lied “It was time for me to wake up anyways”

I got up the bed as she headed to the kitchen. Josh was sleeping next to where she was sleeping. Liam, JJ, George, and Harry where sleeping on the second bed. Jaymi and Louis were curled on the floor a few feet from each other, and they did not look comfortable.

I stretched and went to the kitchen were Samantha was.

“Hey” I sat on the old table and looked at the road we were passing.

“Coffee?” She asked

“Please” I smiled and she instantly looked away.

“Thank you” I thanked her as she placed the hot mug of coffee in front of me. She sat across me and took a sip from her coffee.

“This place is beautiful” She said as she looked outside the window

“It is, isn’t it” I was still looking at her but when she turned my way I shifted my gaze to my coffee.

“You’re okay, right?” I asked knowing that she would like to talk about it. I knew her more than Josh did, I like to believe. I was the one she spent most of her hours with while he was working. I was the one who got to meet and know every detail about her, not him. But he got her first and lucky him. I guess that’s another thing to add to my “too late” list.

“Yeah, I’m fine” She let her hands curl around the hot mug “I promised I wasn’t going to act like a baby with all this”

“Samantha, you had every right to be mad”

“I know, but when I get mad it proves them that they’re right”

“No, it doesn’t. Please don’t listen to what they have to say. They just get protective of us and like to cause drama”

“I guess. It’s whatever, it’s just another thing I have to cope with” She took another big sip from her coffee.

“Speaking of coping, did you change the band aid?” I asked and she shook her head. I guess she forgot!

Beautiful stranger [A little mix/1D/Union J fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now