Chapter 23

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A/N Hey guys :) Sorry for the long update. This is by far my shortest chapter :( Sorry if it's not eventful. The next one will be better I promise. I'm already working on it :) Vote, comment and follow please :) Also to those of you who don't know yet, I'm holding a contest, check out the details in the previous chapter :) Again please let me know what you think<3 

Love you all and thank you for the support. 


*Samantha’s P.O.V*

“Josh” I giggled as he kept running in circles while I was on his shoulders “You’re making me dizzy”

It took a lot of sweet talk to get him to put me down but he did, eventually. It didn’t take long afterwards till the van came and picked us up. Things were going to be the same. They pick us up and drop us off at a diner for breakfast but the only difference was that this time Perrie was with us.

I think this is the day Zayn asks her out. He seemed so nervous and sad about it but I don’t know why. I mean he’s Zayn Freaking Malik he can have any girl he wants, why was he so terrified and upset? I guess she meant so much to him he was scared of screwing things up.

We all walked into the van ad took our seats. We just waited a few minutes till Zayn walked out the bus with his face wet and his hair damp. You can tell he ran his wet fingers through it.

The only seat empty was the one next to me. I was seated between Zayn and Josh. Josh had his arm around my shoulder as his free hand rested on my thigh and his thumb made circle patterns.

Once Zayn closed the door we headed to the diner. Zayn crossed his hands in his lap and his legs were shaking. I looked over to him every now and then and I can clearly see him biting his lip.

“Are you okay?” I asked as I placed my hand on his hands. I squeezed it reassuring him everything will be okay.

“Yeah” He breathed “Just nervous”

“You’ll do great” I shot him a smile as he looked away.

Minutes later we got to the diner. Paul had already called them and told them we were coming. Once we went in we saw 4 tables put together to form one long table. It was big enough to fit all 11 of us.

We all ordered and started eating once we got our food. There were times when all we could hear was our forks and spoons smashing into our plates.

I sat between Josh and George who were eating and minding their own business. The only thing that caught my attention was Zayn who sat three seats across from me. I can see him playing with his food and not really eating.

“I’m going to the girl’s room. I’ll be right back” I gave Josh a peck on the cheek before I grabbed my bag and headed back.

I stood in front of the mirror as I splashed water on my face lightly. I unlocked my phone and texted Zayn

To: Zay <3

I’m in the back, come meet me. But don’t let anyone notice you. Come alone, we need to talk.

A few seconds later my phone vibrated

From: Zay<3

Okay X


I dragged my fork across the pancake that rested on my plate. My elbow was on the table as my hand rested on my cheek.  I huffed as my thoughts were drained. I knew I needed to do this; I needed to get over Samantha.

I jumped lightly in my seat when my pone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and unlocked it.

FROM: Sammy <3

I’m in the back, come meet me. But don’t let anyone notice you. Come alone, we need to talk.

I looked across the table and she wasn’t there. I didn’t even notice she even left.

I ran my fingers across the touch screen and typed a simple Okay X

I took in a deep breath before I pushed my seat back. Louis gave me a look and gave him my “It’s fine” smile.

I dragged myself to the back and she was not there. I sent her a message asking her where she was and she replied saying she’ll be right out.

“Hey” She walked out the bathroom as she ran a napkin across her face

“What’s wrong?” I asked confused on why she had brought me back here.

“What do you mean?”

“Why did you want me here?” I made my question clearer this time.

“Oh” She crumbled the napkin and tossed it in the trash can “I can tell you’re upset Zayn”

“I’m not upset” She didn’t believe me.

She came closer and cupped my face with her hands.

“It’s going to be okay Zayn. I know it’s scary but you can do it” She shot me a warming smile before she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. It took me a few seconds to understand what was going on but I hugged her back

“When are you going to do it?” She asked and I didn’t know the response, not yet at least.

“Maybe after breakfast” She pulled out and kissed lightly on the cheek. “Good luck”

“Thank you” I smile sincerely this time. She signaled that we go back to the table and I agreed.

After we all ate we headed back to the tour bus. We all changed so we can head to rehearsals. I wore a blue shirt with black jeans. I looked outside the window and saw Perrie sitting on the sidewalk reading a book.

I knew this was my chance and I promised myself I would take it. I took in a deep breath and walked her way.

“Hey” She looked up and a smile painted on her face

“Hey” She smiled back

“Mind if I sit down?” I asked knowing what the answer was.

“No, No.” She closed her book and rested it in her lap as she crossed in her hands over it.

“What are you reading?”

“A book”

“I can tell” We both laughed before she lifted it to show me the title.

“The last song” I read the words on the cover “How is it?”

“Very good” She smiled before she returned it into her lap “You should read it one day”

“Maybe you can read it for me” She giggled as she looked away. I can tell she was already blushing.

“So” I rocked back and forth as I hugged my legs. “I was wondering if you had anything tonight”

“Uh” She looked towards the bus “I just go wherever you guys go really”

“Then, how does dinner for two sounds?” She looked at me weirdly maybe she didn’t suspect anything.

“Let me rephrase this” I stood across her and held my hand out to her

“Would you Perrie Edwards give me the honor of a date with you tonight”

Her mouth opened a bit before her hands flew covering it

“Are you serious?”

“Yeah” I laughed at her as her face turned red.

“Yes” She took my hand and I pulled her up for a hug. This might be the start of something new.

Wow, that sounded high school musical-ish. 

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