Tears under the Sun

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Terrible tidings in the world of ours,
More wars, more devastation, more pollution from cars,
Mothers who lost their children to battles unknown,
Do you hear them cry or hear their lonely moan?

Battles fought in the name of greed and lust,
Have claimed thousands and millions and crushed them to dust,
Widow and mother losing their husband and son,
Who will answer for their tears under the Sun?

Humans lose their humanity more,
Beasts that human womb has bore,
Turned our mother's and sister's to slaves,
Is there none to raise their voice in the land of braves?

Raped they die a thousand deaths,
Old mother on streets for in their son's house there is shortage of beds,
Victims of male bondage, in societies abyss burn,
Are you the one to answer their tears under the Sun?

Males suffer in numbers too,
Framed by their better halves under charges far from true,
Maybe Justice favours girls at times more,
Maybe the law meant to be equal for men and women was just a folklore?

Can't blame law when it changes sides on either extremes these days,
Either on the side of men or on women's and in short they amaze,
Men striped by partners of their pride for fun,
How many of you are brave enough to wipe their tears under the Sun?

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