Comedy of Blames

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Ladies and gentlemen, old and young,
Open your eyes and give rest to your tongue,
For I have some comic blames to share,
Relate yourself to it and for some time with me please bear.

Our first case, a young boy in distress called me for advice,
Failing an exam has brought the war from school into the family; he sighs,
Father blames mother for their son's plight; mother blames father for the same,
Can you believe they were fighting over the same son; giving themselves credit a day before when he had won gold in a game?

Our second case, a social worker, working for a cause,
People are blaming her; twisting words, putting extra sauce,
Blaming her of money laundering by sighting examples of few good souls,
When all she was doing with the money was mending some old chap's soles.

Our third case, a virtuous widow, widowed at an early age,
People blaming her for inheriting such an ominous fortune in their dramatic rage,
For these are people who hardly came to attend the husband while he was suffering; now he is termed late,
Now they come to blame the poor widow and making her guilty for the loss by pouring out hate.

I'll sight the fourth case, that of a rape victim, stripped of her morality they claim,
Blamed by society on one hand, blamed by her relatives on the other for the shame,
She stands in a court, fighting a case against her influential violator; stripped bare by questions about her past,
Half her life is already spent when she gets justice at last.

Fifth case is interesting too, it's a native man gone abroad,
On returning he prays as if asking for deliverance from the good Lord,
He blames the government for ill maintained roads, open air waste dispose and nuisance in public as well,
Next moment I find him doing those nuisance; destroying public beauty in a nut shell.

Last case is that of a bar singer, entertaining night after night,
Society questions her character and brands her unholy at sight,
Blames her for ruining young men's promising careers with that sensual voice and look,
I wonder how many of them gave her another chance, another way for earning some food to cook?

Now here's my response to each of the cases told,
First to the parents blaming each other plain and cold,
Your child is not one person's but of both as a whole,
For both of you are responsible for the plight, the responsibility is not one of yours alone to hold.

Next to the handful; blaming the social worker of charges unknown,
Most of the blamers believe have not dispensed a single buck; the rest leave alone,
For people who give their money to help those in pain,
Don't give without experiencing what the worker is saying is for real; for them service to mankind is main.

Next to those holding the widow's fortune responsible for her husband's death,
All the death in your family is due to your fortune I bet,
Such a clumsy way of showing your hate to someone already suffering the pain,
Instead of speaking words of kindness, with your stupid blame you drive her insane.

And now to those that blame a woman raped by an influential man,
Was it hers to get violated or was it that man's plan?
You talk of girls being beautiful, being virtuous, being brave, being so many things at once,
Without quick and proper justice, there will be more beasts that in the shadows haunt.

To the man who went abroad and returned,
And in the process too much problems he has learnt,
I say to him and such folks as he, first change your habits before blaming others for the current state,
Abroad you are well behaved and in your own country; doing all nuisance like bad boy you show hate.

Last to them who questions a girl's mode of earning and way of life,
Tell me have you faced adversaries that could have thrust such a thing upon your wife?
And she works for what she earns, just the same way as you,
Just the work and timings are different, but no work is small remember these lines few.

These aren't hilarious or comic I know,
They are sad stories of men and women; blaming is a comic show,
For the blames we put on people actually break their souls,
Extinguish their spirit, pull them back and hinder them from reaching their goals.

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