31. Lets End This

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31. Lets End This

I stumble out of the elevator on the fourth floor of the hospital. All you can hear is the phones ringing and the chatter of doctors and nurses. I struggle to see through my puffy, tear filled eyes. Nurses and doctors roam the white, cold halls moving on to their next task. I sniffle my nose and then wipe it with the back of my hand. I haven’t stopped crying since I watched paramedics strap my beaten boyfriend into a stretcher and drive away with him.  My eyes catch sight of the front desk and I hurriedly drag my feet over. I hear my friends hurry behind me, but I take no notice of them. All I want is Niall. I slam my fists down on the counter of the front desk and make direct eye contact with the tired looking woman sitting there,

“I want to see Niall Horan right now.” I demand.

She gives me a sympathetic look and begins typing on the computer in front of her. She reads whatever is written on the screen and then looks back at me again,

“Of course, ma’am, but only family and relatives have visiting rights right now.”

“I’m his girlfriend.” I snap. “We’re the closest thing he has to a family in this country.” I say referring to myself and my six friends who stand behind me.

“Okay. What’s your name?”

“Olivia Dawson.”

She nods her head and then wanders off to talk to some doctors about me. I tap my foot impatiently on the hard hospital floor. I know my friends are standing behind me, but I can’t get myself to look at them. They know they can’t go in and see Niall since they’re only friends so they tell me that they’re going to wait in the waiting room. I don’t say anything; I just nod my head. They leave and I stand alone waiting for the lady to come back. I feel someone place their hand on my lower back and lean in close to my ear,

“We’re here for you, Ol.” The familiar voice that belongs to Nick whispers, “We love you.”

He lightly kisses my head and leaves me. I feel thankful that my friends are giving me space. I know they’re here for me and care about me, but I know that if they were glued to my side all I would feel is suffocation. I won’t feel okay until I know Niall’s alright. The lady finally returns and tells me I can see Niall. My breath hitches in my throat when she tells me this. Am I ready to face the beaten sight that is my boyfriend again?

I silently follow a nurse who leads me to Niall’s hospital room. I take a deep breath before wrapping my fingers around the cold door handle and slowly opening the door. I walk into the room and slowly make my way past an empty hospital bed. I walk a little more and stop when I’m met with a hospital bed that holds my sleeping boyfriend. Sadness fills me once again and I rush over to his side. My eyes scan his body. When I saw him in the alley I only looked at him for a moment before I broke down crying. He looks better with all the blood cleaned off of him, but he’s still extremely bruised and beaten. He has a cut on his lip and his upper cheek, a black eye and multiple bruises all over his face along with the rest of his body from what I can see. I silently cry as I look at him. I know Niall is so much more than this – this fighting. I don’t even need anyone to tell me that Johnny did this, but I would like the whole situation explained to me. Niall isn’t this anger-filled, short tempered guy that comes out whenever Johnny is present. He’s sweet and gentle. Love literally flows from him. He puts everyone else in front of himself. He wants everyone to be happy, and he successfully brings that by being the sweet and happy guy that he is. A doctor finally comes into the hospital room and gives me information on Niall,

“He has a fractured wrist and multiple bruises and scratches, but it’s nothing that won’t heal in time. He’ll have to wear a cast on his wrist over the next couple of weeks until it’s back to normal.”

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