39. Up All Night

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39. Up All Night

I want you now, I want you later. I'm hung up, so let's get down tonight.”


“No! I change my mind!” I squeal and hide behind my pillow as Niall’s popping a scary movie into the DVD player.

He laughs and sits down next to me, “You can hide behind me if it gets too scary.”

I had agreed to watching a scary movie with Niall even though I hate them because I had this cute picture in my head of us sitting really close and me burying my face in his arm at all the scary parts, but I’m genuinely freaked out and the movie hasn’t even started yet. I peek at Niall from behind my pillow and he laughs again pulling me close to him,

“Ol, this isn’t even a scary movie. It’s just a thriller.”

I whine and hide my face in his upper arm. We’re going to watch When a Stranger Calls and I’m really not looking forward to this.

The movie starts and it’s a scene of a carnival. I relax a little feeling happy that the scary stuff hasn’t started yet, but it’s not long before I someone screams from a house causing me to immediately bring my knees to my chest and hug my pillow against me hiding behind it. Niall laughs at me again,

“This isn’t even one of the scary parts.”

“I swear you’re staying up with me if I can’t sleep tonight because of this!” I warn him and he just laughs again shaking his head.

I scoot even closer beside him and loop my arm under his, holding tightly onto it. He rests his hand on my knee and rubs his thumb on the bare skin. I smile to myself because I know he knows that this sooths me.

A lot of the movie has passed and I’ve been hiding behind my pillow and hiding my face in Niall’s shoulder for most of it. I jump from gear several times and there was even one part where it caused Niall to jump making us both laugh hysterically. Not so macho now are ya, love. I let out a sigh of relief when the movie ends.

“You lived through it!” He teases me.

“We are never EVER moving into a lake house.” I tell him.

“Agreed.” He grabs the remote and flips to MTv.

“Oh god not Jersey Shore.” I whine.

“But don’t you just love Snookie?” Niall says in his best Jersey accent and I cry of laughter.

It’s not long until Snookie is completely piss drunk and is dancing on tables so we quickly change the channel. There really isn’t anything on TV, so we decide to think of something to do.

“I know!” I shout in excitement, “Let’s bring a ton of blankets and pillows out here and sleep on the floor.”

Niall and I race to our room, turning it into a race and shoving each other in the process. Niall picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. I laugh and scream from him to put me down and then he tosses me onto our bed, going to the closet and grabbing as many pillows and covers possible. I glare at him and quickly get off the bed and grab plenty of pillows and blankets as well. We run back to the living room and dump all the covers and pillows into a pile, pushing back the sofa and moving the TV stand farther away. Niall and I can’t get anything done without messing around so we hit each other with the pillows as we set up our bed on the floor. Once it’s done we fall onto it,

“Ahh so fluffy.” I smile and he laughs at me.

I turn and lay on my side and Niall copies me, our face just inches apart. My eyes travel from his eyes to his pink lips and I lift my hand, tracing the shape of his lips with the tip of my index finger before leaning in and placing a gentle kiss on his lips. Niall stares into my eyes as I keep my palm pressed against his cheek.

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