49. Twenty

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49. Twenty

"These four words don't come easy... I don't love you."


Three months has passed since Christmas. The new year has come and is flying by. Niall and I are back to work and our everyday lives. Niall never proposed to me over the holidays, and honestly, I can't help but feel a bit disappointed. When I overheard him and his mom talking about him proposing to me and when she called me her daughter-in-law, I really thought he was going to. I haven't bright it up to him. I decided just to take it slow and not think about it.

My birthday is this weekend. I can't believe I'll be twenty. I won't be a teenager anymore. It feels good, but it's scary at the same time.

"Hey, baby." Niall says as he enters our living room and plops down on the couch.

"Hey," I say, leaving what I was doing on the laptop and going to sit next to him.

"So, the lads said they'd throw you a party at theirs." He tells me and rests his head on my lap.

I look down at him and play with his soft blond hair.

"They don't have to do that." I say, "I'm fine with something small."

"I told them that, but they really want to."

I sigh, "Okay."

I run my fingers through my hair and nibble on my thumb nail, looking out of the big window of our apartment. I feel Niall move closer to my body and press his cheek against my stomach. I look down at him again and stroke his face.

"Mmm," He hums and closes his eyes, "I love you."

I give him a small, warm smile, "I love you, too."

We stay like this for a while as I gaze out of the window, lost in my thoughts. I'm guessing the party will be rather fancy... I'd need a new dress. I'll go shopping later. I can't get the disappointment of Niall not proposing out of my mind. What if he never proposes? I want to be his wife someday. I don't just want to be his girlfriend forever. I feel the complaint of my bladder and look down at Niall sleeping softly with his head rested on my lap. I feel bad waking him up, but if I don't I'll pee right here.

"Baby," I whisper and stroke his hair, "You gotta get up. I need to pee."

He begins to stir and yawns. He rubs his eyes and then sits up.

"Thank you." I say to him before walking to the bathroom.

I finish up and then go back to Niall who's wide awake now it seems. He's switched on the TV and is watching soccer.

"What do you want for dinner?" I ask him, changing my direction and walking towards the kitchen instead.

"Don't know." He shrugs, yawning again.

"Well that's very helpful." I lightly laugh and walk into the kitchen.

I look through the fridge and realize that I haven't been grocery shopping yet, so we don't have anything to make for dinner. I stand by the kitchen door and lean against the frame, looking at Niall.

"We don't have anything to make." I tell him, "Pizza?"

"Yes!" He grins.

"You call." I say and walk to the bedroom.

I take off my skinny jeans and blouse, changing into pajama bottoms and a tank top. I gather all my hair and tie it up into a messy bun, then going into our bedrooms bathroom and wash off my makeup. A little while later the pizza arrives and Niall and I stay on the couch as we eat and watch TV.

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