57. Getting There

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57. Getting There

"That look in your eyes that I miss so much."


It's been months since that horrible day, eight months to be exact. Since the time we avoid talking about. Moving on wasn't easy, and I wouldn't even say I've moved on. You never move on, and you definitely never forget, you just learn to live with whats happened. You learn to accept it and not let it kill you. It took me eight months to get where I am now, and it's still not easy. There are days where I feel so happy, feeling like nothing could go wrong and then there are days where I cry and don't leave the bed. I really hope one day I won't cry over the memory of what was my child, but rather smile instead. Smile at the thought that we got to have her for that short little time in my belly, smile that it happened.

It was hard for Niall, too. We fought - a lot. At one point I genuinely thought our marriage was over. We were both so unhappy and hurt, we couldn't even look at each other without being reminded of what had happened to us. If it wasn't for our friends we wouldn't be together right now. They saved us. They invited us over and had us thinking we were going to eat dinner together, but it wasn't that at all. They sat us down and made us work it out. They told us what we had was too precious to give up because of what happened. If anything we should need each other more, not push each other away. If it wasn't for that night I wouldn't be married to Niall anymore. I think back on how it was and I actually shiver at the thought. It was such a dark, dark time and I couldn't believe that I was allowing my marriage to fall apart so easily. I can't believe I was actually about to let Niall go. I hate myself for letting it almost happen.

Today is a good day. I feel happy and so excited for Niall to come home. I've made us spaghetti and plated the table. I go to the fridge and take out a beer for him and get a bottle of white wine for myself. I place them on the table and take a seat. I look at my phone, he should be home in ten minutes. I begin to feel nervous for some reason... We haven't done anything like this since I was pregnant. And I suppose with everything thats happened it isn't so strange for me to feel nervous.

Niall greets me with a warm smile and a kiss before looking at all the food I've made for us.

"Are we having people over?" he asks me.

I shake my head, "Nope, this is all for us."

"I was hoping you'd say that." he grins and I laugh.

We both sit down and start to eat. We fill our plates with spaghetti, salad and garlic bread and talk while we eat. He tells me about his day at work. How a homeless man randomly came into the music shop and stood there just looking at the wall of guitars. Niall's co-worker was a little weirded out, but after giving the man some time Niall went over to him. They started talking guitars and ended up talking for almost two hours. The man told Niall about his life before he ended up homeless.

"It was incredible." Niall says before taking a bite of his garlic bread, "He had a wife, two kids, a job." He pauses, "People always seem to think that homeless people have always been homeless, but most of them have a story."

I smile warmly at Niall. I've always loved his heart for people. He's always been able to see the good in people and I admire that about him so much.

"You're right." I say, "Sounds really amazing."

"I want to help him." He says. "I want to clean him up, help him get a job."

I nod and swallow the food in my mouth, "How did he end up homeless?"

"The company he was working at had to cut workers; he was one of them. After that he had a hard time finding a job and money problems lead to family problems. His wife couldn't take the struggling anymore so she took the kids and left him." He frowns, "She moved to Arizona to her mum, leaving him here." He just looks down at his plate, not taking a bite. "After that he was so alone and depressed, he basically just gave up. Lost his house and took to living in his car. Then he lost his car so he ended up on the street."

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