break up with me

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Mia's POV -

I wake up and I check the time. 3:52AM.

I roll over and admire Charlottes beauty, she's still so beautiful even when she's asleep. I get hit with a horrible gut feeling, I can't explain it. I throw my arm around Charlotte and I get no response, I realise her shallow breathing.

I shake her and all she does is let out a grunt. Something's seriously wrong with her.

M- "Charlotte?"
C- "get me a paracetamol I've got a headache"

I feel her forehead and she's BURNING. I get out of bed and head right downstairs for the paracetamol, I go through the cupboards and there's none left. I go back up the stairs and pop my head back in the bedroom. My poor baby.
I go into the bathroom and go through the medicine cabinet. Every bottle and pack is empty.

No she wouldn't.

There's nothing left apart from my medication.

I run back in the bedroom.

M- "get the fuck up now we're going the hospital"
C- "mhm"
M- "go into the bathroom and throw up right fucking now"

Another grunt. I lift her up and carry her into the bathroom, I kneel her on the floor with her face over the toilet. I grab a toothbrush and shove it down her throat. She throws up in no time. I carry her down the stairs and take a bottle of water from the fridge.

M- "baby drink this and get some food down you"

She nods at me and I make sure to hold her. My worse fear is her falling back and hurting herself even more. She drinks the water and her eyes go straight to an apple. I sit her down on the sofa and cut the apple into 6 slices. She gets them down here in no time.

M- "right we're going hospital now, do NOT fall asleep"

I carry her out to her car and place her in the passenger seat. Her face has went a pale yellow, I'm now highly concerned. I get into the drivers seat and get off the drive as soon as possible.

If this girl dies then so do I.

I can't imagine my life without her.

I notice her drifting off so I speed up and slam on the break to jerk the car. She's awake now.

C- "I love you"

I think she's only saying that in case she doesn't make it which makes me feel sick.

M- "I love you more angel face"

I run a red light, oops. I'm not really arsed if I get a fine or anything as I'm more bothered about my girlfriend.

It's early but she's the girl I want to marry.

I turn a half an hour drive into a ten minute drive. I get out and help Charlotte out the car. I wrap her legs around my waist so she can't go nowhere. I run into the hospital and go straight to the receptionist.

R- "what's the problem?"
M- "she's going through an overdose please help her now"
R- "can I have your name or her name and who are you to her?"
M- "Charlotte Mccornick and I'm Mia her girlfriend"
R- "your full name?"
M- "Amelia Roberts"
R- "take a seat you'll be called out soon"

I'm so stressed, I don't have the time to wait. The hospital isn't full so there's a few people before us but I can't help but panic.

A nurse shouts Charlotte's name and we walk into the room. Luckily we went through before anyone else. The nurse pours Charlotte a cup of charcoal. She struggles to drink it so I open her mouth and pour it down her throat while telling her to swallow. After a minute of giving her the charcoal she throws up all over me, hardly any got in the bowl.

C- "im so so sorry"
M- "shhh sweetheart it's fine"

I take the vomit hoodie off so now I'm left in a tank top and shorts. I notice Charlotte giving someone the evil eyes. The nurse.

I sit next to my girlfriend and hug her so she knows she's safe. I plant a small kiss on her forehead, she still looks yellow. Hopefully it'll all pass and she'll be fine.

She gets a cannula inserted in her arm to keep an eye on her blood. I hate seeing her in this state.

I sit on the chair next to her and I take her hand, with me here she'll never have to go through anything alone. I just wish she had told me what made her do this, hopefully she will later.

M- "you're going to be fine"
C- "thanks Mia"

She's still drowsy but it's better than how she was before. She falls asleep while holding my hand.

3 hours later -

The nurse comes back into the room and tells me that she's fine to take home but she needs plenty of water and food to try absorb the remaining medication. I smile at her and wake Charlotte up.

M- "baby wake up we get to go soon"

The nurse comes back into and slides me a piece of paper, I assume it's the blood test results but oh i was wrong.

M- "I don't have any use for this"

I throw the paper on the floor and help Charlotte up.

C- "can you help me get changed?"
M- "sure sweetheart"

I close the curtain and rip the hospital gown off the brunette, I grab the hoodie she was wearing and it's inside out. I finally manage to get it the right side out. I lift Charlottes arms up and slide the hoodie over her.

M- "babe where are your pants?"
C- "I don't know"

Char sits back down on the bed while I go through all our stuff to find the pyjama pants. I find a piece of paper in the pocket of Charlottes pants. I place it onto the chair and help Charlotte back into her pants.

M- "stay here gorgeous I just need to chat to the nurse"

I give her a kiss on the cheek and finally get out the room to wander around.

I walk up to the nurse and check her name tag. Veronica.

M- "hey Veronica"
V- "oh hey you ready to leave now?"
M- "yeah we are, what was this doing in Charlotte's pyjama bottoms?"
V- "it's my number to take her on a date"
M- "you also gave me your number"
V- "I know, would be fun to go on a date with one of you"
M- "well that's not going to happen"
V- "oh you're both straight? God not again"
M- "we're both highly gay thank you and we're a couple"

She walks off which makes me giggle.

I turn and see Charlotte behind me with all our stuff.

M- "here baby let me carry everything"
C- "highly gay are we?"
M- "yup"

Char drops the bags in my hand while grabbing my free hand. I'm glad she's feeling better.

C- "can we go for a maccies breakfast? I'm starving"
M- "anything for you"
C- "I also want to talk to you"
M- "about what sweetheart?"
C- "us"

My body tenses up, is she going to break up with me?

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