wife her up

342 21 16

Charlotte's POV -

I jump onto Mia and give her a kiss in attempt to wake her up. To my surprise she pushes me off and tells me to go away. Telling me to go away is the norm but pushing me off isn't exactly what happens when I wake her up.

I try to climb back on top of her but I get pushed down right away.

C- "Mia? What's wrong?"
M- "just fuck off Charlotte leave me alone"

I mutter fine in a cold tone, I don't know what her problem is but it's pissing me off. All I want to do is spend time in bed with her but she isn't allowing it. I try to give her a kiss to see if she'll push me away and she does.

C- "get out your stupid mood for fucks sake"

I get out of bed and put a hoodie on, my hoodie this time, not Mia's. She sits up and plays with her hair, looking pretty as always.

M- "you're not going to wear my hoodie?"
C- "nope as you're in a pathetic mood"

Mia nods at me and I can't tell if she's agreeing or taking the mick. I grab my phone and go to leave the room until I hear Mia whimper my name out, her voice is quiet and raspy.

C- "you okay?"
M- "yeah"

I lean onto the bed and feel her forehead, she's burning up. She's ill. Weird as she normally never gets ill, not even the black plague would take her down.

C- "Awh you're ill"

Mia rolls her eyes at me, typical. It's all she does when I try to care for her.

I walk out the bedroom and close the door behind me, I take my phone out and I ring Marjorie. No answer. I ring her again and she finally picks up. I tell her that I'm unavailable to come into work as my girlfriend is ill. She tells me how we're going to be understaffed but it's fine as she can Autumn to cover. One thing about Marjorie is that she NEVER goes into the rooms for some odd reason. We say bye and I end the phone.

I go back into the bedroom and get back in bed with Mia.

M- "aren't you meant to be going work?"
C- "just called off as you're ill and you need my attention"
M- "I don't need it I can take care of myself"

I get off the bed and she begins calling out my name and for me to come back as she needs me.

C- "oh so you do need me?"
M- "well obviously I'm ill"

I rush over to the bed and jump on. I put my arms around her waist as her head falls onto my chest. I mess with her hair as she begins to close her eyes. This is normally the opposite way around, I'm normally in her arms while she looks after me. I give her a kiss on the forehead and she tells me that she loves me. She's so soppy when she's ill, it's the cutest thing ever.

She changes her position so now she's laying in between my thighs, I lift my legs up and put them over her shoulder. I keep a hand on her forehead to keep track of her temperature, luckily working in a nursery for most my life has taught me how to properly look after people.

I hope to be a mum one day, it's possible but that's probably not the lifestyle Mia wants to go down.

Mia's POV -

I wake up in a new position, Charlotte has her arms around my waist while I'm on top of her. Weird. Normally she's on top of me asleep. She kisses my cheek and asks me if I'm feeling any better, I say no as I feel sick to my stomach.

She plays with my hair which relaxes me, I didn't know I'd enjoy it so much. I thought it was just a thing she and other girls enjoyed for no reason. She moves her and onto my forehead again but I move it back up to my hair.

M- "carry on playing with my hair"
C- "sure thing boss"

I nestle my face into her neck as she twirls my red strands around her fingers. I lift my head up and whisper an 'I love you' into her ear, she whispers one back which makes me smile for the first time today.

I probably felt disgust when I looked at her last night because I was actually ill. I'd never feel disgust when I look at her. I love her too much.

C- "do you want anything to eat? You've not ate all day"
M- "I just want a warm drink please"
C- "you're using manners? Wow I like you when you're ill"
M- "piss off"

She laughs before moving, she gives me a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room. I sit myself up and bring my knees into my chest, I made a good decision going for her.

I admire her so much, I'm grateful for everything she's ever done for me. Her being in my presence makes everything instantly better. Her smile is one of the prettiest things ever. I forever love her. If I didn't bring her home that night I doubt this would've happened, I doubt we would've liked eachother at start when I started working in the nursery. I love this woman way too much.

It's weird, it's not just some woman. It's Charlotte
It's just Charlotte.

Five minutes go by and she's finally outside the bedroom, she opens the door and I look up at her and smile. Charlotte passes me my hot chocolate and gets back into bed with her noodles. I would never allow eating in the bed unless it's a takeaway but because I'm ill I don't really care. I just want her here with me. I take a sip of the drink and burn my tongue.

M- "little cunt"
C- "your Ill but can still use that language on objects?"
M- "yeah"

My voice breaks so now it sounds like I'm whispering. Fucks sake I atleast need to talk to my girlfriend otherwise I'll be bored.

She spreads her legs apart and pulls me back by my waist so now I'm sat in between her legs. She leans me back and kisses my lips.

I need to make a wife and possibly a mother out of this woman.

the night we met - MialotteWhere stories live. Discover now