burning up

349 26 20

Charlotte's POV -

It's been a week and Mia is still ill, even after all the medicine and warm drinks I've given her. She refuses to go to the doctors for some odd reason. I decide to make her some dinner to see if she'll eat it as she's not ate. I find some left over chicken in the fridge so I put it onto a wrap with some salt, Rocco jumps up almost knocking me over.

I give him a piece of chicken and he pretty much gobbles it down as quick as he can. I kiss the top of his head and move him down from off the counter. His dirty paws have now marked the top.

I wipe it up and I finish wrapping the wrap. I make a cup of coffee and wait for it to cool before I go back upstairs. As I'm walking towards the bedroom I notice that it's really quiet in there, I walk in and see Mia watching the TV.

C- "what you watching?"
M- "mhm"

No response, got it. I don't blame her though she's paler than a ghost.

C- "well I've got some food for you and a warm drink to help you"

I place the plate next to her on the bed and I put the drink on the bedside table. I look at the TV and I see her scrolling for something, I can tell she's getting frustrated. I give her a kiss on the temple and tell her I'll be back up after I clean. She tries to smile but it fails, I give her one last kiss before exiting the room.

I get down stairs and Rocco comes over, I fall to my knees and begin to play with him. He jumps all over me making me fall back. It doesn't look it but he does weigh quite a bit.

I stand up and give him one last stroke on the head, I grab a cloth from the sink and some disinfectant spray. I begin to wipe down the counters and manage to get the dirty paw stain off the marble.

I walk over to the sink and rinse the cloth out. I place it back in the corner and walk to the bottom of the stairs, I look over at Rocco and call him over. I guess we're both going upstairs. I open the bedroom door to see Mia flat out asleep with monster high playing on the TV. She's not touched any of her food but she's drank half of the drink. I gently nudge her to wake up and all she does is mumble something.

C- "Rocco's here"
M- "cool"

I move the plate off the bed and I get myself in, I get comfy. All of a sudden I feel some weight on me. Mia's face is buried in my neck, her hand on my chest and her leg over mine. She gives my neck a small kiss. I hear her mutter a faint 'Charlotte' underneath her breath, I ask her what's wrong and she asks me to play with her hair. I glide my fingers through the red heads hair twirling it as I go along. She tries to get even closer to me but we're as close as possible.

I love how clingy she is when she's ill, it barely happens but when it does it's one of my favourite things ever. I love being the one who has her sleeping on my chest. 

Rocco jumps onto the bed and lays down next to me, guess I'm now mothering everyone today.

I move my hand away from Mia for a second and she pulls it back.

C- "so you want physical contact all the time now?"
M- "yep"

Her voice is still quiet, I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss her making random noises. I look down at her and admire every single little thing about it. I want her to get better soon so I can hear her voice again.

I kiss her forehead, she's still burning up. She squeezes her body onto mine. Her hand still stays on my chest. I play with her hair again, the colour is so pretty and her hair is so soft. I continue to braid the top section of her locks and I hear her say my name, I automatically ask her what's wrong. She ignores me so I say her full name, Amelia Mae Roberts. She sits up and says yes, she looks panicked and her tone changes. Mia asks what she's done wrong.

C- "I'm so sorry oh my god you've not done anything wrong"

I put my arm back around the older and hold her close to me while repeating the words 'I'm so sorry'.

She falls back onto my chest and grips my shirt as tight as she can. If I knew she was falling asleep I wouldn't have said her full name. She kisses my jawline and tries to give me a smile.

I place my hand on her chest. I feel her chest going up and down as she takes shallow breaths.

C- "I love you Mia"
M- "I love you more"

I kiss the tip of her nose and kiss all over her face, just because she's ill doesn't mean I'm not going to shower her in kisses. She does it for me so I can do it for her. She's so fucking pretty it hurts, her skin is like a porcelain doll when she's ill. It makes her eyes stand out quite a bit. They already do stand out normally but I love the pale face with the eyes.

I remember all the times she looked after me when I've been violently ill, she's a good girlfriend but...


She'd be an amazing wife.

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