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My father and Marielle both turned to face me, their expression flushed with surprise and unease.

"I—um, it's not exactly... well, it is. Marielle and I—" my father started, stumbling over his words as he glanced at Marielle who was nervously tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, her cheeks turning a deeper shade of red.

"I'm sorry we didn't let you know sooner," Marielle said, coming to my father's aid as he struggled to find the right words. "And for having the ceremony without you. Your father and I were already spending some time together in Terrassen, but it was only when we travelled to Amsellhein that we truly connected. And, well, I've grown to love him very much."

She gazed at my father with an unmistakable tenderness in her eyes. My father met her eyes briefly, his gaze reflecting the same warmth that had once been so evident when he looked at my mother. But as he turned to me, his expression grew anxious once more as he assessed my reaction.

I studied my father, struggling to process what I was seeing. I had never imagined that he would remarry after my mother's death. The love he had for her was so evident in everything he did, even after her death. The pain and sorrow in his eyes whenever he thought of her were impossible to miss. Over the years, he tried to hide his grief from me, but his efforts were in vain. I had caught glimpses of his tears when he believed I wasn't watching and heard his quiet sobs through the closed door of his bedroom.

I couldn't deny that it stung to realise that my father had remarried without me knowing. Yet, as I observed him more closely, I noticed a light in his eyes that I had not seen for a long time, making him appear much younger.

When I first saw him yesterday, I assumed he had recovered from the sickness he suffered in Nebelwald. But now I could see it was more than that. His shoulders were no longer hunched as they often were, and the sorrow that used to haunt his gaze was no longer there.

And, suddenly, I understood why he didn't wait any longer to marry Marielle. The love between them was palpable. If I were in his position, I probably would have made the same choice. The mating bond was even more binding as a marriage, if things had been different, I wouldn't want to wait another day to let Egon mark me. I already want to be with him in every way possible.

My father had traditional values and I was certain he would never consider making a move toward Marielle unless they were officially married. My father deserved to find happiness again, and it shouldn't have been postponed just for me to see their vows.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked at my father.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Poppy," my father said, his voice tinged with worry as he noticed my tears. "We should have waited for you. I should have discussed this with you first, but—"

Before he could finish, I stood up and wrapped my arms around him, cutting him off. "Don't apologize. I'm truly happy for you."

I pulled away and wiped the tears from my cheeks before turning to Marielle. "I'm happy for both of you."

Marielle's eyes filled with tears as well and she took my hand in hers. "It means so much to hear that, Esmara. I didn't know how you would react. We wanted to wait until you were back, but we didn't know when that would be. Every day, I grew to love him more, and when we stumbled upon a church during our travels, we decided to marry without giving it much thought."

I nodded to Marielle. "I understand. Please don't think I'm uncomfortable with this. I can see how much you love each other, and I couldn't wish for a better person for my father."

Marielle stood up to embrace me. "Thank you, Esmara," she whispered softly. "I know I can never replace your mother, but I see you as my own daughter, just like Tauriel. I hope you know that. You're family to me."

Shifters - The King of Wolves - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now