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Step 7: Begin by placing soft kisses along the insides of his thighs, slowly working your way up to build excitement.

Step 8: As your lips graze his skin, use your hands to caress his manhood, adding to the stimulation and heightening the experience.

Step 9: Use your mouth to explore, taking your time to gently take him in–

With a sudden snap, I slammed the book shut, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks. Surely this couldn't be real. Did couples truly do such things to please one another?

My mind raced with vivid images of me and Egon, and though I was flustered by what I had just read, I couldn't deny that the mere thought stirred something inside me. What the book described seemed so intimate, even more than anything Egon and I had experienced together so far.

Could I actually bring myself to follow through with what the book suggested? The idea alone sent my heart racing with panic and I let out a long sigh as I buried my face in my hands.

I wanted to do something special for Egon. I had spent the entire morning wracking my brain over how I could repay the immense gesture he had made yesterday. I was aware that no matter what I did, it wouldn't match his gift, but still.

When the thought first crossed my mind, it felt like a good idea. I wanted to take the next step in our relationship and be the one to pleasure him for a change. Yet now, after reading those explicit steps, I wasn't sure I could go through with it. Would I have the courage to do what the book instructed?

My chaotic thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a knock at the door and I immediately straightened up. That must be Gyda!

I stood up quickly, casting a glance towards the mirror above my vanity. The pastel pink dress I wore fitted perfectly, the fabric made of a floral design. The bodice dipped into a deep, yet graceful, neckline. The straps, which were tied at the nape of my neck, were adorned with tiny fabric roses, their petals blending seamlessly with the pattern of the dress.

My hair was loosely pinned back, with a few strands framing my face. However, to my dismay, I realized my cheeks were still flushed bright red from reading the book.

Another knock sounded at the door and I quickly called out, "I'm coming!"

I hurried into the adjoining bathroom, splashing cold water onto my face from the marble basin. Hopefully, that would calm the blush creeping across my cheeks. The last thing I wanted was to explain to Gyda why I looked so flustered.

With one last glance in the mirror, I composed myself and rushed to open the door. Gyda greeted me with a wide smile. "Wow," she said, her eyes trailing over me, "that dress is absolutely stunning!"

"Thank you," I replied with a smile of my own. "It was a gift from Egon." I glanced at her own attire, a dark green gown with subtle black embroidery. The high collar and long sleeves hugged her frame elegantly. "But your dress is beautiful as well."

Gyda laughed softly. "Thank you. It seems both our mates are spoiling us, don't you think?"

I chuckled, stepping out into the hall and closing the door behind me. As I turned around, I caught sight of Rolf standing by my door, his smile widening as soon as our eyes met.

I wasn't surprised to find him here, though I still couldn't fully understand why.

I knew that, as Gammas, Rolf and Leif felt a duty to protect me. Something I understood in places like Blackbridge. However, I couldn't grasp why they insisted on always taking turns to be by my side in the castle whenever Egon was absent. It seemed like overkill for them to stand guard when there was no immediate threat. Surely, they had better things to do than to linger by my door?

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