Turning a Bad Boy Good (Narry Storan AU)

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Harry Styles is trouble. Nothing but trouble. He smokes. He does drugs. His father walked out when he was a baby. He does things without thinking them through. He gets abused by his step-father. He gets into street fights. His mom has been drugging his food since he was eight. He hates everyone. He doesn't have any friends. Well, except for Zayn, but nobdy knows about him. . .He's suicidal, but he never lets his weakness show. He sags his pants, and has his left ear peirced. He walks around with his headphones blairing. The teachers' worst fear is this problem child.

Niall Horan is just like any other kid his age. He gets decent grades, had lots of freinds, and is in drama club. The only difference is that he's gayer than the rainbow that his Irish pot of gold sits at the end of. It doesn't cause many problems though. His parents are fine with it, and as long as he's happy then it shouldn't matter. Niall has a problem though. He has a habit of picking out people that are. . .different, and making it his mission to become their friend. He won't stop until he's made the people socially happy and makes sure they have lots of friends. But what happens when he picks out the so called 'bad boy' of their little school?

Liam Payne is just a man. Just a normal lad who does normal adult things. But he notices that kid. The one who walks past his office every single day, either bruised up, or bloody, or just so lost in his music he's lost touch with the world. He watches him with unexplainable curiosity. The kid who honestly, would be extremely attractive if he would just pull up his pants. The kid that Liam knows has issues. The kid Liam is infatuated with for unknown reasons.

Louis Tomlinson isn't average. He seems like a normal guy, but if you get to know him, you'll find out he's anything but. You see, Louis Tomlinson listens. He listens to a lot of things. He listens to music. He listens to the sound the fan makes as it tries to cool down the room. He also listens to the yeling that's always coming from his neighbor's house. He listens to the sound as a fist collides with a face. He listens to the sound of a teenager telling his mother he doesn't want paint thinner for is drink at dinner time. He listens to the sound of that same teenager screaming at the top of his lungs. Louis Tomlinson likes to listen. But that doesn't mean he always likes what he hears.

So...I know, please don't kill me for starting another story when I haven't updated in ages! I HAD to! This idea wouldn't leave me alone! So...tell me what you think? Continue or delete?

Turning a Bad Boy Good (Narry Storan AU) *On Hold*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt