Chapter Three

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(A/N) Yooooo waddup my homies? So I've decided to put a bunch of my stories on hold, and only focus on like, two or three of them. That way It'll be easier for me to get into some type of updating schedule. I'm sorry, I know I need to update so much more often. I love y'all, now on with the story!

Harry groans, opening his eyes and shakily getting to his feet. A whimper escapes his lips, as a burst of pain shoots up his side. He grips it tightly, swallowing in an attempt to sooth his dry throat. He takes a step forward, ignoring the pain and limping to his bedroom, slowly opening the door and stepping in, before closing it behind him. He shuffles painfully to his bed, sitting down and squeezing his eyes shut. "Zayn?" He calls out quietly, his voice a bit scratchy from not being used. Silence rings through out the room. "Hey man." Harry greets. "So today has been another shit day..." He pauses, as if waiting for a reply. None comes. "I'd go into details, but nothing was really different than any other day, and I don't want to bor you." He pauses again. "Earlier I was walking, and some group of guys were staring at me... It seems like everybody stares at me these days." He says, a mixture of sadness and anger filling his voice. "I think I recognized the one... I've definitely seen him around school. I'm pretty sure he's in my P.E. class... Neil, I think his name is. He's a bubbly little Irish lad, always so excited about everything." He gets lost in thought for a moment. "It's quite annoying really." He finishes with. "Don't you think so, Zayn?" He yawns loudly, slowly and painfully making his way to lay down on the bed. "Goodnight Zayn." He whispers quietly, ignoring the fact that it was only barley getting dark outside as his exhaustion takes over.

Louis yawns, changing the station on the television again. It was deadly silent next door, he'd observed. He figured the odd little family had gone to bed. He sighs, getting up from the sofa and walking to the back door, opening it and stepping in his yard. He can see light coming from a window next door. The boy, Harold's window. He knew, because he could hear the thumps that came from it after he'd listen to the boy yell angrily. Thumps always came from that room after yelling occurred. Sometimes multiple times a day Louis could hear the sound. Thump, thump, thump. Over and over as the boy stomped around, punching the wall and occasionally throwing things. Louis curiously walks over to his neighbor's yard, glancing up and into the window. The curtains were open, and he can see the boy's figure lay down. He watches the still figure for a while, before going back to his own yard, sitting in the grass with a sigh. The boy was so exhausted, he'd fallen asleep with the lights on, and for some reason that made Louis's heart ache. 

Liam groans, slowly sitting up and wincing. The sofa really wasn't an ideal place to sleep... He blinks his eyes open, groaning at the pain in his neck and licking his dry lips, before rising from the sofa. He stretches, hearing a satisfying crack from his back, then slowly walking to his bedroom. "Note to self, don't fall asleep on the sofa in a suit again; it's quite uncomfortable." He mumbles to himself, slowly getting out of his suit and putting on a pair of lose track bottoms and a tee shirt. He sighs. "And now I'll be up all night... wonderful." He goes to the kitchen, grabbing a bag of crisps before sitting at the table, the loneliness creeping up on him again. He sighs, shoving a sloppy handful of crisps in his mouth before mumbling. "This is gonna be a long night, I can feel it...

Niall sighs, laying down in his bed. "Finally." He mumbled, closing his eyes. He could finally relax after three hours of homework. The sun had long since gone down, and the blonde teen was beyond tired. His mind drifts off into thinking mode. It was this time of day where he always pondered things. Whether it be what to get his friend for their birthday or thinking about the test he had tomorrow. Tonight his mind wondered to a different matter though. A certain curly haired so called 'bad boy'. He doesn't have to much time to think though, sleep soon capturing his thoughts. The only thought he manages to get in; 'How the hell am I going to befriend this kid?'.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2013 ⏰

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