Chapter One

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Harry streches his limbs, getting out of his too small bed. "HAROLD! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE! IT'S TIME FOR DINNER!" He hears his mother's shrill voice yell. He sighs, before answering with a quiet, "Coming bitch." that he knows she can't hear. He grabs his iPod, turning the volume up all the way before walking down the stairs. He pulls his chair out, and sits, waiting to see what his mother had drugged up for him this time. She places a cup of fowl liquid, and a plate with two peices of burnt toast on it. Harry thinks that for once he got lucky, and his mom forgot to put the drugs that gave him stomach aches and pains into his food. His mother and step father sit down as well, and start eating. Harry picks up the cup, to inspect its contents, and acidentally speaks his thoughts aloud. "Wait a minute. This isn't dinner, this is paint thinner." His mother looks him in the eye. "You ate it yesterday, and I didn't hear any complants, did I?" Harry rises from the table, and walks back to his room without a word. He lays on his bed, turning his iPod up and closing his eyes. He relaxes, as the familiar lyrics engulf his thoughts. His peace is broken a few minutes later, by an obnoxiously loud knocking on his bedroom door. He sighs, before getting up and opening it. He's met with a fist colliding into his lower left cheek. He stands their dumbfounded for a minutes, before he comes to his senses. He must be getting hit for not eating his so called dinner. He looks his step father straight in the eye, before raising a fist and socking him right in the nose. "You little shit!" He yells, but Harry is already out of the front door. He runs as far as he can, before he has to slow to a walk to avoid passing out for exhaustion. He eventually has to completely stop, and bends over in the middle of the sidewalk, placing his hands on his knees and catching his breath. "Jesus Christ." He mutters, still absolutly winded.

Louis sits in his room, quietly listening to his surroundings. That was one of his favorite hobbies. Not sitting, listening. If you ever asked him why, he wouldn't be able to tell you. He couldn't explain why he enjoyed listening. He just did. Suddenly he hears a loud banging, foloowed by the sound he easily reconizes as a fist hitting somebody. "So they're at it again." He mumbles, refering to his neighbors. He hears another punch, followed by a bellow of "You little shit!" Then there is the sound of running. Louids stands, looking out his window. Sure enough, there's the neighbor guy, running to the left like always. Sometimes Louis wonders where he's running to, but he never ponders it for long. He hears the neighbor man drunkenly falling down the stairs, and chuckles a bit to himself, before going to sleep with thoughts of the strange and disfuctional family next door. 

He stretches, closing his laptop and breathing a sigh of relief. He had finally finsished the report his boss had been on his back about, and he could relax. Just then, his boss decides to enter his tiny office. "Payne, did you finish that report for me yet?" "Yes sir." "Good. Fax it to my asistant and you can go home early." "Thank you sir." "It better be good." Is his boss's reply, before he closes the door to the office. Liam quickly faxes the report, then sorts his papers. After he's finished, he grabs his suitcase and walks out of his office, locking the door behind him. He enters the lift, then finally reaches the main entrance to the building. He walks out the door, and is about to walk home when he stops. It's that freaking kid again. The strange one with the curly hair that always walks past here. He watches as the kid tries to catch his breath, his face red and breaths quick. He watches as the lad, who looks like he's possibly still in school, pushes his hair out of his face, before lowering his hood. "Holy crap." Liam speaks aloud, as he views the huge bruise on the boys left cheek, just above his jaw. He debates on whether he hould aproach him and ask if he's alright, but never gets the chance, as the kid straightens his posture and starts to walk again.

He blows his curls out of his face, as he continues walking down the streets he knows well. He pulls his blue hood up again, before running a pale and thin hand over his face. He suddenly stops, noticing a group of boys staring at him. He stares back, before yelling out, "The fuck you starin' at mate?" The boys instantly turn around, and Harry smirks, before continuing his endless walk.

He stands around with a few of his friends, when he sees him. The boy sticks out to him for unknown reasons, but Niall is instantly drawn to him. His friends soon notice his lack of attention and follow his gaze to the boy. The guy soon notices their stares, and returns the curious gaze for a moment before calling out "The fuck you starin' at mate?" They all look away, including Niall, until the guy turns around and begins to walk again. Niall watches his retreating figure, and his friends soon notice the familiar look in his eyes. "Oh no Niall, not him. Anyone but him." "Who is that guy?" Niall asks, completely ignoring Josh's statment and warning. "That's Harry Styles, and he's no good. Stay away from him Niall." Ryan supplies. "Why isn't he any good?" "He just isn't. I mean, look at him Niall. Does he look like the type of person you would want to hang out with? I mean, just...come on." "You should never judge a book by it's cover lads, and I'm not going to do something I was taught not to do." 

 So... what do you think? Please tell me it's not comeplete shit :/ I tried, honestly. Effort counts, right?.... No? Well fuck then :|

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