Chapter Two

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(A/N Hey guys! So since summer is here, I'm going to try my bestest to update a lot more. I'm sorry I've been gone for so long. I was failing a lot of classes, and I had to focus on school in order to pass. I /really/ didn't want to repeat the grade :p Anyway, I'm going to try to start updating regularly. I love you guys <3 )

Harry continues to walk. If you asked him how long and far he walked for, he wouldn't know the answer. All he knew was that his legs hurt, and he wanted to go back to his uncomfotable and child-sized bed. He turns around, headed in the direction of home; staring at the pavement and watching as his old, ripped sneakers stomped on the white surface. Then he hears a shout. "Hey look! It's that little faggot again!" He looks up; meeting he sight of a group of three people in their early twenties. "Fuck off!" He yells back, and continues to walk, not in the mood for an argument. "Oooo! You hear that Jamie?! 'Fuck off!' I'm soooo scared!" Before the guy speaking can even comprehend what's happening, Harry is stomping across the street, hand balled into a fist. He stands infront of the man, beginning to recognize him. He's fought this guy a few times before, and Harry has always won. With this new found confidence, Harry swings his fist forward, socking the guy right in the eye. Before Harry has time to react, the guy's friends are jumping him, pinning him to the ground, and punching his already soar jaw. He fights back to the best if his abilities, but one guy can only hold off three for so long. He blindly swings his fists, squeezing his eyes shut and clenching his jaw. Then he realizes what exactly he's doing. He's letting them win. His eyes snap open. "Oh hell no." He growls, more to himself than anybody, and swings a fist, socking the toughest looking guy right in the eye. Apparently he wasn't as tough as he looked, because he jumped up, letting out a cry of pain and ran a few feet away. The others look stunned, and Harry uses this to his advantage. He flips them over, so that he's on top of the male that was holding his down, and throws punch after punch, only stopping to wipe the blood of of his knuckles onto his pants. He looks up. Apparently the third guy had abandoned the fight and ran while he had the choice. The man below Harry throws weak punches and tries but fails to defend himself. He stops punching, holding down his arms. "Now go, and I don't want to see your face around here again. Got it?" The man nods weakly. "Good. This is my territory. Stay out of it." He climbs off of the guy, and he runs, never looking back. Harry wipes his hands into his pants one more time, before spitting the blood from his mouth. Those guys had gotten him pretty good before he started fighting back, and his jaw was guaranteed to be blue in about an hour or so. He rolls his eyes. Great. Just another thing for his parents to scream about. Rolling his eyes a final time, Harry continues his walk home. He's in even more pain than before, and all he wants is his iPod and his bed. He mumbles every curse word he can possibly think of; staring at the ground the rest of the way home. He sneaks in the door, hoping to remain unnoticed. Unfortunately, his luck was terrible as always, and his mother's head snaps in his direction the moment he walks in the door. "Great." He mumbles in a sarcastic tone.

Louis sits at the table, spooning cereal into his mouth and staring out the window. He watches as the neighbor boy returns, looking injured and pissed off. He had blood on his pants and his face was bruised. He watches until he's out of sight, and continues to eat his cereal. He listens to the peaceful silence, until its broken. "HAROLD WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO YOUR STEP FATHER'S NOSE?! WHAT THE F-" "SHUT UP MUM! GOD!" "DON'T SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY!" He sighs as they continue to scream. It wasn't anything he wasn't used to hearing, but he didn't exactly like it. Some times he wonders what it would be like to speak to the neighbor boy. Harold, apparently was his name. At least, that's what Louis had heard anyway. "WHATEVER! I'M GOING TO MY ROOM! WHERE I CAN GET AWAY FROM /YOU/!" Louis listens, and hears stomping, that quickly turns into running. "NO! IM SORRY! PLEASE DONT!" "LEARN HOW TO TREAT YOUR MOTER WITH RESPECT!" Louis hears a deep male voice bellow. He strains his ears to listen more, and hears a few thumps, before a high pitched scream rings out. "I'M SORRY!" He hears, before more thumping and bangs make their way to his ears. He winces. The boy was getting beat again... Louis some times thought of going over there to stop it, but what could he do? He hears another loud bang, before all is silent. He sighs, dumping the last of his forgotten cereal down the sink, and going to his room, his thoughts filled with sympathy for the poor boy who was probably lying in pain on the lounge floor.

Liam sighs, stepping into his flat and locking the door behind him. He throws his brief case onto the floor, before going to the lounge and sitting on the sofa, throwing his head back. He sighs, trying to ignore the lonely silence of the flat. He knew he should get a room mate or something. He could afford the bills just fine on his own, it's just that everything was always so lonely around his home, and he had always hated being alone. He sighs again, grabbing the remote and scrolling through the channels on the television, eventually stopping on some stupid American movie. He falls asleep from exhaustion five minutes later.

Niall smiles, entering his home with his friends following. They all settle on the sofa, laughing at some stupid joke one of them had said. They eventually fall silent, none of them sure what to talk about next. "So... What do you guys know about Harry Styles?" The room instantly fills with calls of. "He's no good!" "Trouble maker!" "That you should stay away from him, that's what." Niall rolls his eyes. "Guys, what do you know /besides/ rumors?" All the boys look at each other, unsure of what to say. Niall sighs. "Exactly. People aren't always what they seem. I'm going to befriend Harry, and I expect you all to help me." A series of groans go around the room, before somebody finally sighs out a "Fine." The rest soon follow, and Niall's Irish face lights up with Leprechaun glee.

(A/N Sorry it's so short, I'm having a bit of writer's block. Also, sorry for any major errors, I dropped my laptop down the steps and broke it, so I'm using the app for this.)

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