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I'm not sure how long we stand like that before Decari snaps. I'm not even sure if it was entirely him, we may have met in the middle for all I know. Either way, his mouth is on mine once the tension becomes too much, and then he's walking forward. I'm forced to back away in turn, trying and failing not to stumble too much.

"Dex, wait, we—" I struggle to talk when he won't pull away from my mouth, and pretty soon, we reach my bed. I'm not falling onto the bed naturally, because a part of me is still opposed to this, so Dex pushes me.

"I'm done waiting," he says simply, much less emotion on his face than before. He looks focused, only one thing on his mind, and I could probably guess what that is.

After the words leave his mouth, he's on top of me. He grabs hold of my hips to pull me down so he can hover over me entirely, and it's suffocating. He's on every side, invading my senses, consuming me. I can feel it. I'm gonna lose this.

"You should at least think about this." I try.

"Trust me," Dex begins to run his hands along my body, up my shirt, feeling over my torso. His touch is gentle, it makes me shiver, and I feel pleasure shoot through my body when he puts his mouth on my neck. Against the flesh, he mumbles, "I've thought about it."

I don't think we're on the same page, here, in terms of what exactly he's been thinking about. What I'm referring to. I want him to consider the risk if we do this. He, however, only has one goal, and I know what it is. I'm... I'm nervous. Sure, Dex and I have been physically intimate before, but this is different.

Now he knows. He knows who I am. Also, I have a feeling this is going to go a lot farther than any of our other times did. Either way, it's clear that he and I have a new dynamic now. Well, not completely new, since Dex has always held suspicion, but still. My big secret has been revealed, Dex added to the list of two people—including him—who know.

Well, and the copycat, as well as all of the copycat's associates. No wonder somebody eventually gave my name to the police, how could that many people keep a secret?

"Have you—" my voice catches. I'm trying not to reciprocate any of this more than I already have, still holding out some kind of hope that I'll suddenly develop the strength to pull away. To kick him out. To do what's best for him. There's not much on the line for me, here, but him? If this goes sideways, he could lose everything. "C-Considered the consequences?"

"I've considered everything," Dex says against my neck, voice different. It's getting lower.

My shirt has been pushed up to my chest, my boxers are riding low on my hips, and Dex's hands are stuck to my skin like magnets. Moving, but never losing contact.

I'm trying not to let him affect me, positive that he'll regret this. I know I won't, I've been craving this level of intimacy with him for a while, but there's no way he thinks we could ever work out, right?

The Doctor Of East Hadena [MXM] [SERIAL KILLER]Where stories live. Discover now