Birthday Imagine!

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"Dani, get up," says Bucky, shaking me awake. "Happy birthday!"

Blinking, I sit up, and Bucky is waiting for me. "Let's go. Were going out for lunch." He left at that.

After getting ready, I meet Bucky downstairs, and I didn't see any of the Avengers. Probably still sleeping? Probably not, it's about 11:30. I brush it off and Bucky and I get in the car, and we drive off.

"Were going to your favorite," says Bucky, and I smile at him. We pull into my favorite restaurant and we get inside, the smell of food wafting through the air.

We eventually get a table, and a waitress comes over to take our order. After that, Bucky and I talk. We talk about everything. And he asked what I wanted for my birthday, and I just giggled and told him he didn't have to get me anything.

But he did anyway. Cause it's Bucky.

He slid a box across the table, and nodded. I give him a small smile and open it. Inside, the most beautiful earrings were displayed. I gasp. "Bucky, these are so beautiful!" I say, and Bucky smiles at my amazement.

I get up and give him a kiss, which he immediately responds to. Then I put the earrings on, and Bucky smiles. "They look great on you," he says, and my cheeks turn a little pink. "Thanks," I say happily.

Eventually were done and we head back to Avengers tower. When we get back, Bucky opens the door, and the lights are off. The Avengers must be gone.

Then, the lights turn on, and the Avengers pop out of hiding places and yell, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANI!"

I scream and jump, and Bucky laughs. "You planned this didn't you?" I laugh, and he nods. I laugh some more, and Natasha and Wanda gives me hugs.

"Presents and cake! Let's go!" Says Tony, placing his hands on my shoulders and steering me to the living room, where a gigantic cake and a pile of presents await. The cake said, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANI in blue icing.

"Thank you so much!" I laugh, and the Avengers sit down, and I sit down too. Tony tosses me a present first, and I catch it, and open it. It's a tee shirt with me on it, in my superhero costume and my superhero name on it. And since I can turn invisible, part of me was gone on the shirt. I laugh and thank Tony.

Steve gave me the full Star Trek TV series in DVD. "We'll have a marathon," I claim.

Natasha gave me a leather jacket, and I put it on immediately.

Wanda gave me a new pair of boots.

Pietro gave me a pair of running shoes. Mine were getting shabby.

Clint gave me a bow and some arrows. I almost fainted of excitement.

Bruce gave me new speakers for my room.

Thor gave me a gown from Asgard.

And of course, Bucky got me the earrings.

All of us ate cake, laughed, and celebrated. It was the best birthday ever.


Marvel Preferences and Imagines [completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن