What You Guys Do When You're Bored (Marvel)

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Peter Parker:

You guys take photos together. You sometimes help him with the Daily Bugle and J.J. Sometimes you take a picture of Peter and sketch it.

Peter Quill:

Dance to the Awesome playlist. Or you go explore other planets. Who knows? You might find some money there.


You guys visit with Elektra and you guys have a night out. You go out to eat and have bunches of fun.


You go jogging with Steve and Bucky. Usually you two are left in the dust-but who cares? You're with your friends.


You'll do anything to get out of boredom. Even if it means getting makeovers with Jubilee. Haha, no, you guys aren't that desperate...yet.


You listen to music or hang out with Erik.


You hang out with Charles and Hank.


You guys are never bored. He finds exciting stuff to do-from going to fight crime with Spidey to a movie marathon, you're never bored.

Ant Man:
You train with Hope, aka Wasp. She gives Scott some more pointers. (You excel at fighting anyway)


You guys train with the other X-Men. Logan (your bestie) chats with you guys too.


You hang out with Ben. He's an awesome person to be around with.

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