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Chapter Thirty - Shadow

"I'm good here."

The sun had risen before Sam had returned, stating frantically that he had to talk to Dean

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The sun had risen before Sam had returned, stating frantically that he had to talk to Dean.

He then began explained what he saw earlier that night.

"So hot little Meg is summoning the Daeva?" Dean asked, making me kick him as he walked by.

"She was using that black alter to control the thing," Sam stated. 

"So Sammy's got a thing for the bad girl." Dean chuckled.

"Do you ever not think perverted thoughts?" I asked.

Dean gave me a look. "Now what's the deal with that...bowl again?"

"She was talking into it," Sam explained. "Like how witches would scry into crystal ball or animal entrails. She was communicating with someone."

"With who? The Daeva?" 

"You said those things were savages. No, this was someone different. Someone who's given her orders," Sam stated. "Who's coming to that warehouse."

Dean paused for a moment before sinking down into the seat he had previously been in. He flipped through the case file. "Holy crap."

"What?" Sam asked.

"What I was going to tell you," Dean began. "I pulled a favor with my...friend." He eyed me. I gave him a 'what' look. "Amy, over at the police department. Complete records of the two victims. We missed something the first time."

"What?" Sam moved toward the table.

"The first victim, the old man, spent his whole life in Chicago, but he wasn't born here." Dean pointed to the paper. 

"Lawrence, Kansas," Sam read.

"Mm-hm." Dean grabbed the other file. "Meradith, the second victim. Turns out she's adopted. Guess where she's from."

"Florida," I suggested.

Dean gave me a 'really' look.

"Yeah, I know. Lawrence, Kansas."

"Holy crap," Sam repeated. "I mean, it is where the demon killed mom. It's where everything started. You think Meg is tied up with the demon?"

Dean shrugged. "I think it's a definite possibility."

"But I don't understand, what's the significance of Lawrence. And how does these Daeva things fit in?"

"Beats me." Dean shrugged. "But I saw we crash that alter, grab Meg, and have ourselves a friendly little interrogation."

"We can't. We shouldn't tip her off," Sam stated. "We have to stake out that warehouse. We gotta see who...or what is coming to meet her."

"I'll tell you one thing, I don't think we should do this alone."

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