Prologue: The Beginning

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She will sleep.
Making not a peep.
Trapped in the loop of a spell.
The day she will wake up everyone can tell.
Young, beautiful and frozen in a slumber.
The day she wakes could be in September, maybe.

People she loves will be gone when she finally arises from the imprisonment of the spell. For Matt Donovan, Elena still has hope that she will see her first love and best friend again in the future.
If only there was any way to get past the consequences of the spell, she could wake up and see all of her friends and family. But there is no way, she will die if any witch attempts to find a way around how to lift the spell.

What if there could be another way?


     It's just extraordinary, really. I'm asleep, but not alone, not in a void of nothing but darkness. Every moment that passes, I dream and remember the moments of my life that I had: every friendship, every fight, every death, every moment of love and joy.....sometimes I remember faces that I thought were long behind me. But there not. They're all still here inside of me.

      You know the story "Sleeping Beauty," right? Sometimes I dream about that story and jest about how certain similarities between the fairy-tale and my current status play out; I'm a beautiful young girl who is now asleep because of a spell (curse, if you like) but not as a result of puncturing my finger on the acute point of a spinning wheel; plus this is not a sleep like death, but it is a sleep that will bring death; the death of one, in return I get to wake up. No true loves kiss, what a disappointment! Then again, maybe I will be given a kiss before  wake up, but it will be a very bad time to kiss me before I wake from a 60-year slumber; by that time I will have lost many of my friends and my best friend in particular.

     Right now I'm remembering my last moments awake, before I was put under this sleeping spell and frozen in this youthful version of myself:

    I remember hearing Damon telling me that he wanted to take the cure with me and live life as a human with me, but Stefan told me that Damon being human was the worst thing for him, and he was right:

   If I know Damon, his life as a human would be consistently the same as a vampire; only harder. He'd drink, get drunk, never work and just be a goofy guy who loved nothing but me. Looking back on our relationship and everything we went through when we were together, I actually loved us more when we could trust each other and he did good things because of how I affected him, but I don't want it to be just me that made him change, because when I became a vampire I was sired to him and I was pushed to accept the darker parts of myself and I changed for him; I didn't like who I was when it came to Damon, I did bad things like killing Caroline's- my best friends- friend Jesse:

"He's gonna tear my head off, Elena please!" Jesse was like a ripper, but only to vampires and he was gnawing at Damon's neck, soon his head would have rolled.

   I staked Jesse through the back, but deep in the heart and Caroline; broken-hearted came running forward. I'd hurt her as well as Jesse, and Caroline knew the effect that Damon had had on me:

"The Elena I knew... she would have given Jesse a chance." she was right, at first my inclination was to just break Jesse's neck, no bodies and I would have helped him, but all I did was selfishly do what Damon wanted and I made a mess.

   So, when I wake up, if I see Damon I have to tell him the truth:

   We're not meant to be, I've changed him in a bad way and together we do nothing but create problems. It shouldn't worry me now though, because I know that Damon will work this out for himself; he has Bonnie. For me to wake up, Bonnie has to die, Damon saved Bonnie from dying, I know now the connection that the two of them have, Bonnie can change Damon and help him see the light and understand how important everyone else is to him. He loves her, I'm sure of it, and I only care about Damon, which is why I have to let him go; I should have done it a long time ago.

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