Chapter 3: The Dream

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"Elena!" the voice was loud, but at the same time blurred by the scene that was hard to make out.
What is this place? Elena thought.
Looking around her, Elena caught sight of the one original who she hadn't made an enemy out of. Elijah was standing before Elena, everything surrounding them seemed to be beautiful; grass was green, the sky was blue and the clouds were all out of sight and the sun emitted rays of brightness.
  "Elijah." Elena couldn't speak anymore after finally coming face to face with the man that was in the deepest part of her mind now that she was under the sleeping spell.
  Elena rushed like a dog running back to its owner after a ball has been thrown for it to retrieve and held him tight; maybe it was a dream, but that didn't matter, not now, not ever.
  "Elena, you have to hear me out, the Heretics have struck Mystic Falls, they've attacked your friends and Klaus, Rebekah and I and some of four friends are here to help." Elijah had to summarise the entire story.
  "Why are you rushing all this?" Elena didn't quite understand.
  "Because you're in danger, Elena." Elijah concluded.
  Pacing herself, Elena shut Elijah out and isolated herself to her own company, what he had just told her was now adhered to her mind and wouldn't be going away anytime soon. But there was something more important that was troubling Elena.
  "How did you even know about the Heretics and that they'd attacked Mystic Falls?" Elena wanted to know.
  "You've met Lillian Salvatore, the one who turned them, haven't you?" Elijah asked in response.
   Answering a question with another question wasn't helpful; Jeremy- Elena's brother- told her that.
  Elena nodded.
  "I was there. I helped the Gemini coven put them and Lily into exile." Elijah filled the blanks in for Elena.
  "What?" Elena was now even more stunned than before.
  Elijah gave his hand out to Elena in a manly gesture of an offer to dance at a ball or a party.
  "Take my hand, I'll show you." Elijah requested.
   Elena hesitated slightly, but knew that Elijah wasn't lying and that she could trust him. Not just because she knew who he was, but because he was inside her head, he couldn't be lying to her; she controlled most of what happened.
  She took hold of Elijah's firm hand.
  The world around them crumbled into ruins, light faded and darkness prevailed over all.
  Whatever Elena was about to see, she was all the more terrified, but Elijah's presence helped keep the fear to a minimum.
1903, Mystic Falls
"Mr Mikaelson, I must say you are a man of true honour and nobility." a tall, sleek African woman commented.
Seated next to her was Elijah tapped a small glass of wine and relished at her acknowledgement. It was 1903 as Elena could see the clothing that the people in the bar dressed in and given how the woman with Elijah seemed like a widow with her veil that reached down from her hat and her clothes were all dark black. Elena recalled the woman's face, a face that to her looked distinctly like Bonnie's or as it just a coincidence that she could be who Elena thought? Elijah squatted his arms on top of the round table where he and the woman sat and gazed at her with an expression that defined his search for good and trust within a person which signified the nobility that he was commended for.
  "Tell me, why are you important to this witch coven? Who are they?" Elijah was always a seeker of the truth.
  The woman held a fur hand rest where her hands remained to keep warm and where she freed her right hand holding a vial of blood; her own blood, Elena assumed.
  "You see this?" She asked.
  Elijah attempted to hold the vial, but it was dragged out of his reach by the woman who all in all was seemingly a witch herself.
  "This vial holds my blood. The witch coven; the Gemini coven are dependent upon my blood for the spell which they intend to use on this plague of Heretics." the lady guarded the vial as if her life depended on it.
  "You are very attached to this essence of life. Tell me, why are the Gemini coven depending on you if they want to make this fake prison world?"
  "Because I am a Bennett witch. The Bennett's have been renowned and consulted by a wide range of witches and covens and we never refuse a cry for help. My daughter will learn of this when the time is right. When that time comes, she too will be asked to protect the magic that has helped create this fake world where Lillian Salvatore and her narcissistic slaves will be imprisoned. Indefinitely."
The witch sprang her eyes at the chime of the bell to the bar. A man in a round top, black hat and a seemingly tight suit had entered. Incognito, the witch pulled her hood across her hair and looked to Elijah as a cry for help; it was imperative that if this man was whom she feared he'd be then her identity was to be concealed at all costs.
  Whoever the man was, his attention was not dragged towards the young, but slightly wrinkled Bennett witch, but at a commoner woman who was flamboyant and wore a hat with a feather as large as the country's flag. The mystery man made her acquaintance and she was unusually drawn to his presence like a moth drawn to a flame, she exchanged her hand with his and followed him as he led her outside.
  The Bennett witch removed her hood. "He is one of those aberrational monsters, Mr Mikaelson." the woman was struck hard and without breathing she was as stone hard as a statue made monument. Had she been right to suspect that one of her; no one of the most dangerous dark beings on the world had just made an appearance only meant that now the time had come.
   "He is one of them. I must go, warn the Gemini at once! If they are all here then not a soul will live until morning."  no more words to be spoken.
   The Bennett lady stood tall; at her stature she was by far the shortest woman in the bar, but not the weakest. Not by a long shot. Elijah, in his leather jacket that kept his suit hidden watched as once he and the Bennett witch were standing together, every other man or woman in the bar stood at the same time as them. Peculiar, but strangely heart jumping. The sharp scratch of an acute knife sounded as it was passed around from each victim to the next, Elijah stood watching as each person after the next that was handed the knife cut a deep wound into the palm of his hand. The iron smell of the blood was flaring at Elijah's nostrils like fire being breathed straight into him. But this wasn't for him. Drop after drop, blood spilled onto the ground in tiny splashes. No movement, no sound, no words and nothing but the endless dripping of blood, but at that next moment.....the walls and windows broke apart themselves and everyone was knocked black out. Elijah grabbed Adeline Bennett and sprang her outside from the back window that smashed as he crashed through it.
  Outside Elijah and Adeline saw the man in the tight suit who had led the charming commoner woman from the bar. The woman stood by his side; unharmed and alive. He was not a Heretic, but he was a witch.
  "I entered and left with her hoping that the two of you would follow me before this happened." the man and his companion were both covered in specks of dust from the crumbles of the bar.
  "Who are you? Both of you?" Adeline inquired.
   "Parker. My name is Lionel Parker." the man answered.
   "And I his wife, Olivia."
   "You're both of the Gemini coven?" Elijah asked.
   "Yes." Lionel and Olivia answered at the same time.
   The two both looked a lot younger than when Adeline and Elijah had first seen them; Olivia looked not a day older than seventeen and as for Lionel, his young ageless face seemed to resemble that of an early twenties man.
  "You're here because you need my blood to complete this fake world of yours, that was why you tried to deceive me into thinking you were one of them, but in truth, you were trying to lead me to you."
  "We can't overpower them, but that doesn't mean we can't remove them from the face of the world." Lionel wouldn't let our one chance slip by.

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