Chapter 4: You're a jerk....but I like you anyway

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"Bonnie?" I can't tell if my own mother or some of her deranged witchpires is following me so I'm forced to whisper.

A clearing in the woods and the sun is slowly setting, it's like watching a nature documentary. Except the rabbits not being chased by the fox. No, the fox is fed, no more food will be required. Leaves crunch in the distance, it's her:
I'm feeling my leg give out; yeah, it's her. I'm gonna kill her when this is over. She stops torturing me.
"Oh, hello. Forgive me, but I thought you were one of them. Or maybe a stranger, you know 'stranger danger?' Damon."
"What are we, six?" she's the only one I can be sarcastic or funny around.
"You are, otherwise I wouldn't have to babysit you 24/7." she's still got it.
She comes out of the tree line for me to see her.
"Too bad you'll be dead in about ten seconds." I swing my fist at her; said I'd kill her.
Bonnie grabs my hand and keeps a firm grip on it, I freeze, can't find the force to move it anymore, maybe she can't either. I'm just glad she's safe. I free my arm and take her hand to pull her in close to me, both my arms reach behind and hold her against my chest like I have something worth caring about. When I let her go; she slaps me hard across the face.
"Don't try to soften me up. Your humanity's showing, and I know that's not like you. I like the bad you better. I like you better when you're the Damon I hate. That makes you happy too." she turns her back on me.
"You're right, what was I thinking? The good me does stupid things like hugging the girl he likes least on this planet and looking at her like...
"Like what?" she draws her eyebrows towards her eyes when asking.
"Like something I'd be so foolish to care about." I give her the answer.
"I feel the same way. You're a thorn in my foot, Damon, but I guess I don't really hate you. Just can't believe you're the best friend I've got now, it sucks." slowly, she makes her way away from me.
Taking what she just said into account, without her knowing I smile and laugh inside.
"That's the Bonnie I know:
The self-righteous witch that I have an endless list of nicknames for. Oh, how about this one; candlestick maker?"
New nickname. It's one of his few personality (if he actually has one) quirks that doesn't make me hate him.
Back behind me, he's waiting whilst looking up at the star gazing night sky; looking for a comet, maybe. Damon's seen one or two comets in his 174 years of life.
"You coming or what?" I'm wasting my time, once Damon's eyes are on the sky there's no getting his attention.

Somethings happening; I may only be a witch, but I know when there's danger afoot, back behind me, Damon's gone, my fears are only confirmed, wind chills me to the bone, but I don't feel the goosebumps surfacing all over me. This walk in the woods is suddenly turning into the fairy-tale: Little Red Riding Hood, but with no wolf and my Grams is dead so I don't have a basket to bring to her, I don't know why I'm turning this into a fairy-tale, this is the real world. Above me a branch frays and snaps until it falls right in front of me. Whatever it was lands on the ground from the trees and looks toward me, my breath is short and I don't like what I see. But it can't be a Heretic; they're witches with vampire immortality, whatever I'm facing now is much worse.....but wait.....


"Yeah, it's me Bonnie." he comes charging to hug me.

"What are you doing here?"

"I had to find one of you, Jeremy's here too, he and I had to warn you."

It's already bad enough that the Heretics are free and now my ex-boyfriend and friend have come back to Mystic Falls with even more bad news. No doubt it's to do with the Heretics.

"Where's Jeremy?"

Agonizing screams come from behind the treeline, Jeremy appears, pushed by Damon; treating him like his own child. Sometimes being his friend is like a hideous burden...worth suffering from.

"Alright Gilbert-bro, spill." Damon's mouth-smart jokes.

"I never went to art school."

"Elena's gonna be disappointed in her little bro. I'll definitely tell her." Damon rubs his hand in Jeremy's face.

"Yeah, I'll be dead before she wakes up." Jeremy says without fear.

"Maybe not." a mystery voice erupts from behind.

 The voice belongs to a stranger; a Heretic! Donning a suit like a businessman, his face is hard to make out from the darkness, but the voice is a dead give away, it's an effective sign that he's our enemy. It may be four against one, but what chance does one witch, a vampire, a werewolf and a vampire-hunter have against a vampire-witch hybrid?

"You must be the miscreants that Lily speaks off. The Salvatore son, the wolf that bit Kai Parker, Elena Gilbert's brother, which leaves you, you are?" he leaves me as the odd one out.

"The best friend, who does magic." I brag at him.

He chuckles after hearing me reveal what I am. I'll wipe that smile off his face.

"Motis!" I scream the incantation.

He cowers, his arms break, perhaps he's not so invincible. The good feelings are over as he gets to his feet and vamp-speeds to grab me by the neck, choking me and draining my magic out of my like a secondary vampire feeding habit. Tyler and Jeremy try to stop him, but his power renders them unconscious.

I suppose this is it for me.


My eyes open and my vision returns for me to see Damon keeping him subdued to the ground, his hand is caught in the centre of his chest where his heart is.

"You listen here Mr suction-trick: nobody screws around with or gets to kill the Bennett witch except me!"

"A little hurtful, but I'll take it." Damon looks at me amused.

"Good." he replies.

Tyler and Jeremy get up and join us.

"What are you waiting for, just kill him." Tyler's veins are exploding, it's a full moon tonight, he might not have much time before he changes.

"Shall we?" I take a hold of Damon's extended arm.

"Let's." he replies in a teenage boys tone of voice.

Together, I release Damon's hand from the chest and out comes the heart of our enemy.

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