Chapter 2: The never-before-seen Petrova

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    Waking up in yet another dream or vision , Elena flexed her eyes and rubbed then as she let them open wide. All around her, she could see a grey mist of cloud and: a state of another dimension, perhaps, a limbo or maybe Elena was being shown something that she either wanted to or had to see; this was it.

   A few steps forward and Elena saw the clouds swirl around one another until they created a small state of a tornado. The tornado bloomed and sent air rushing throughout all of everything round it, finally the tornado manifested itself into what seemed to be a peasant girl in a blue dress, with her hair curled like a lions mane. The girl remained still, her back was turned to Elena that she felt the need to approach whoever this stranger was. As she drew closer and closer, Elena began to notice some very peculiarly distinct similarities between the way she and the stranger looked alike; another doppelgänger? thought Elena. Elena quickly closed her eyes and created the scene of when Rebekah and Klaus had her held captive in her school gymnasium; Rebekah's words were the clue to what Elena was laying eyes upon now:
"So, this is the new doppelgänger?" Rebekah said whilst breathing down Elena's neck.
   "The original one was much prettier." Elena looked puzzled at Rebekah's riddle.

   'The Original doppelgänger.'

   This must be her. Elena came closer until she was standing just five feet away from the newly discovered resemblance standing with her back turned towards her. Before attempting to take her next gradual step, the figure spoke:

    "It's nice to finally meet you, Elena." the doppelgänger greeted her.
   Elena stood as stiff as a plank of wood as the girl turned to face her; Elena was enchantingly mesmerised when she caught sight of her shadow-selfs face; exactly the same face as hers, again. It occurred to Elena that she knew what her name was, but her thoughts were too much for her at this moment that she had to scan her memories back to when Elijah told her about the doppelgänger that was alive when he and his family were all still mortals;
"Her name was Tatia." Elena remembered.

  "Tatia? That's your name." Elena finally traded words with her.
  "That's right. You've never seen me before so I thought that perhaps I could help you with something. You will most likely feel that it is a favour I ask of you, and it is, but my senses tell me you won't refuse." Tatia's tongue was like a centuries old accent; her clothing was a first, but now her own voice only proceeded to ascertain the truth that she was a ghost from a former time.

   A gesture from Tatia was like a form of hypnosis to Elena as she beckoned her to follow her where she was going. Elena felt no suspicion or any danger at listening to her shadow-self. This was her mind she was in, but now it was as if her mind was being worked by yet the control of another. The Viking dressed Petrova led Elena until they were standing against what seemed to be a ledge and was like they were pressing their heads against a pane of glass.

  "I've been having this same dream over and over, I can't make it out, but there's something about it that makes it seem important. Is this that dream?" Elena was more dazed and confused than before.

  "No. I wish to show you something." said Tatia.
   Her hand offered itself to Elena.
   "Take my hand," Tatia requested, Elena did so.
    "Close your eyes," Tatia's words were like a soothing sensation to one who's been wounded.
    "Let your mind open up to me." Elena; eyes closed as she and Tatia were shown a village from what must have been Tatia's time.

   Embers burst and swarmed as a fire was light high as a pyramid. Villagers danced and his themselves behind masks like they were in a masquerade. Tatia pointed out a girl in a green dress who removed her mask from her face to reveal herself. Tatia was the girl, her eyes shimmered at the man who waited aside the pen where the pigs were kept. Elena turned to see whoever it was that Tatia was giving her gaze towards. Elijah stood by the pen, staring back at Tatia like the two were tied together by an unbreakable bond, not a single sight caught them off guard from each other. Elena started make sense of why Elijah was in love with Tatia and maybe even more to the poisoned fact that he'd felt love for Katherine. She watched as Tatia was snatched by a fellow villager who's face was behind his mask, the face belonged to Klaus as he pulled the mask from his face to kiss Tatia. Elena now fell into a pit of despair as her heart began beating hard.

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