Chapter Four: Harassment in the School Bathroom Stall

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Chapter Four: Harassment in the School Bathroom Stall

Yuma felt a bit of relief when he had a whole day off from Dark Mist's sexual harassment. His body still ached, and his thoughts still weighed on him about where Astral may be. While sitting at his desk at school he looked down at the Emperor Key that was around his neck wondering if maybe Dark Mist and somehow trapped Astral within the Emperor Key.

"I hop Astral's okay. Dark Mist still hasn't told me where Astral is, but where exactly can he go since he's bound to the Emperor Key?"

"Yuma, are you alright?" Yuma snapped out of his thoughts of Astral and where he might be when he heard Tori's voice.

"I'm fine Tori. I guess I'm still a little tired from not feeling well for the past two days." Yuma was trying to act like nothing was wrong. Like the past two nights never happened. But in the back of his mind he knew he still had to be careful. Dark Mist could show up at any time, it didn't matter where Yuma was, because Dark Mist didn't care.

Having an audience would probably excite him even more now that Yuma thought about it. Oh, how Dark Mist would without a doubt most likely would love to humiliate him even further by assaulting him in front of his class.

"Man, I'm tired. I didn't get much sleep because of Dark Mist. Even though he didn't show up last night I stayed up most of the night. Astral, where are you?"

Yuma suddenly found himself fast asleep on his desk. As class was beginning to start Yuma's home room teacher started to take attendance. When he reached the name Tsukumo here was no answer.

"Is Yuma Tsukumo here today?!"

Tori looked over to see Yuma fast asleep. She nudge him a few times to try to get him to wake up. When Yuma finally did their teacher was standing over him with his arms folded over his chest.

"Yuma, is my class so boring that you fell asleep before it has a chance to begin?"

"Please Mr. Kay, Yuma hasn't been feeling well for the last two days. I think he still might not be feeling all that well." Tori quickly spoke up before Mr. Kay could wake Yuma.

"If he's not feeling well then he needs to go to the nurses office. Yuma, if you're not feeling well and need to get some sleep, go to the nurse's office. Yuma?" Mr. Kay nudged Yuma's shoulder to try and wake him up. But Yuma was already in deep dead sleep. A sleep that he's been needing for the past two nights.

Yuma found himself suspended in darkness. His body heavy and his mind clouded. He didn't like this. He didn't like where this was going. Why here, why know of all places? Yuma tried to wake himself up, he had to before Dark Mist appeared.

"Wake up! Wake up! WAKE UP!!!" Yuma yelled at himself. His eyes finally allowing him to open them. He saw nothing, just like the first night when everything bad started happening to him.

"I'm still not awake yet. I need to wake up before he shows up. Why won't I wake up?"

"That is because I will not let you Yuma. We have some time to have a little chat."

Yuma turned to see Dark Mist floating around behind him. His usual smirk on his face as he floated towards the now terrified young Duelist.

"Do not worry, we are just going to have a little talk, for now. I visited an old friend, and the one you have been asking for, for the last two nights We had a very pleasant talk dealing with you."

"You talked with Astral?! Then you do know where he is! Tell me where he is right now?!" Yuma's terrified expression then turned to that of naive bravery of wanting his friend and partner back.

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