Chapter 1

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Author's note: Hi guys! Hope you enjoy this story written by me and beca46 :)

My name? Whitney. My age? 16. My story? Well......

I grew up as a happy child. I had loving and caring parents and a twin, her name is Xana. She was born about twelve minutes after me which therefore makes me the eldest child in the Tay family. When I was six years old, my parents gave birth to another baby girl, her name is Xandria. I was very content with my life. I worked hard everyday to get good grades and I loved my family with all my heart. I had a few amazing friends that were with me through thick and thin. However, deep inside my heart something wasn't right. Something was missing... And I was determined to find out what it is.

My family and I were very strong Christians and we went to church every Sunday. My grandparents were pastors at this small church and I spent many of my days there helping to decorate the church with my siblings. There were not many people at this small church and we were in desperate need of a pianist. That was when I decided to step up to play for the church. I did this when I was 11. I played in the English and Chinese services. Although I struggled to play some songs, I found helping the church and praising the Lord at the same time one of the best things I could ever do.

Despite having the best life a girl could possibly have, from the second I opened my eyes in the morning to the closing of them in the night, I still had that empty feeling in my heart. I tried talking to Xana and my parents about it. They have been very helpful, but none of them really understood the emptiness in my heart.

Xana had a crush on this boy in church, Hendrick I think. She is always complimenting and boasting about how amazing he is. Honestly, I have never seen any guy that has caught my attention. I do have some friends that are boys but I don't really find them that special. They are basically, well, I guess just typical boys.

Through my years in school, quite a few boys tried to well, get my attention. I never found any of them attractive or special. I,in fact taught they were quite irritating and arrogant. I never found myself as attractive or pretty, unlike some other people at my school who were so full of themselves.

I was 13 when I went to a Youth Fellowship in my church. Let's just call it YF. YF was a encouraging experience with me. I met many friends, including: Alice, Joshua, Benjamin and Lisa. It was a truly life-changing experience for me. I knew Joshua and Alice. They were like ghosts to me before we met again in YF. It was strange, however, that we instantly felt a connection once we started to interact...

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