Chapter 2

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It was December when I felt the hole in my heart starting to close. I don't know what it was, how it was closing or what was causing it. I just realised that surrounding myself with my YF friends strengthened and lifted me up. I realised that the presence of God was guiding me through a tunnel of thorns, guiding me to a light. But what light?

I thought about this often. What light is this? What is this thing that has brought much more joy into my life? Now, instead of having that empty feeling in my heart, when I open my eyes in the morning, the first thought I have is of a certain person that has brought this light into my life.

Every week, I look forward to attending YF. I would beg my grandmother to bring me there earlier so that I could spend more time with my friends, especially Alice and Lisa. They are two of my best friends and I love spending time with them during YF as it is the only time I get to spend time with them during the week. I pretty much have lost my close friendship with Benjamin as he had found his own friends and I had found mine. Although we were still friends, we weren't close like we were before.

Right... Who am I forgetting? That's it, Joshua, Joshua Tan. He is umm, let's see, very unique. He always has been. He isn't one of those boys that are extremely loud and noisy in YF. He is, in fact, one of the quieter ones. However quiet he is, he's one of those that have many interesting ideas going on in that mind of his, even though he never expresses it. I think he just needs someone to express his thoughts to. Don't ask me how I know all of this, . It's just that... When I look into his jet black eyes, I feel... I don't know. When I stare into his eyes, I can somehow sense it. I don't really know how, but it's just the way it is. It's like he is on the edge of mystery. That's what I find so special about this mysterious boy...

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