Chapter 4

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I tucked a strand of stray hair behind my ear as I sat down. I waited for my queue, then I started to play my solo. I saw Joshua smile at me and smiled back. Suddenly, I heard a snap from the other side of the room. I whipped my head around only to see that Benjamin had broke his rubber band thing, a frustrated look was plastered on his face. However, as soon as he saw that I was looking at him, he immediately put on a fake smile. I ignored him and looked back at my piano and finished my solo.

"That was awesome!" my guitarist exclaimed as I tidied up my sheets. I blushed and muttered a thanks, before heading over to meet Benjamin and Joshua, both who were intensely playing a bizarre truck game. I stammered a hi before both of them lifted their heads, fazed that I was standing in front of them. "You were amazing!" They said at the same time, then they glared at each other. I stood there, confused at what was going on but said thanks anyway.

"Benjamin! Come! We have to go home now, say goodbye to your friends!" A woman, whom I guessed was Benjamin's mother shouted. "Oh well, I guess I should go. It was great seeing you guys again! Merry Christmas!" Benjamin said before he ran towards his mother. I sighed and felt some disappointment. Stop it Whitney! Stop thinking about these things! You're only fourteen!

"Hey Whitney? Whitney? Are you okay?" A voice snapped me out of my daze. There stood Joshua, waving his hand in front of my face. "Huh? Oh! Right yea! I'm fine... Just thinking..." I said as I looked down at my feet. Joshua did not seem to believe me but I guess he ignored it.

That was when I realised that we were both alone in the sanctuary. "Where's everyone?" I asked Joshua as I looked around. "Most of them have already left, and some are upstairs at the kid's rehearsal." Joshua answered. Xandria and Xana must be there, they won't be ending for another thirty minutes. "I see..." Joshua said as he nodded his head. "Hmm? What do you mean?" I asked in confusion. "I think you were thinking out loud." He says as he grinned. I blushed in embarrassment and looked down at my feet once again.

"So... Ummm... I was wondering whether like... I could teach you that piano song now? You know, since your sisters are upstairs and my parents won't be coming for another forty five minutes, there's a traffic jam" he said as he ran a hand through his hair. "Sure!" I said smiling and dragged him to the piano. He laughed and I laughed. And I felt happy.

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