Chapter 6-Clara's POV

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A/N: this chapter is short and it takes place back in the present where chapter 4 left off. Also u guys feel free to comment on stuff and talk to me ily

The Doctor slammed down the lever that send the TARDIS in flight. "So," Clara asked with a smile, "where are we going?" "Yeah, where exactly are you taking us?" Dean asked, not as happily as her. "Not sure yet," The Doctor beamed, "but somewhere new and interesting." Sam raised his eyebrows and smiled a little, "You just launched into space, with no idea where we're going?"

"Well since you boys have been through time before," The Doctor said as he pulled the monitor, which had shown the Winchesters his second heart, in front of him, "I figured I'd let you boys see outer space." He typed something that caused the monitor to show different planets, none that Clara recognized, flashing one by one across the screen. She watched as The Doctor closed his eyes and waited a second before selecting the TARDIS files on the planet that was on the monitor.

Everyone waited in awkward silence as The Doctor skimmed the description of the random planet until he finally broke the quiet. "So I think I found a good one! It's called Ketahrus, and it sound exciting!" The Winchesters and Castiel exchanged glances.

Clara couldn't see Sam's face, but she did see Dean shrug and nod. Sam turned to her and The Doctor with a smile. "Well since I think we pretty much took care of our last case, which was you and The Doctor, we are in need of a new case. An alien planet that is actually real does kinda sound like our thing." Clara smiled back. Dean stepped up beside his brother. "But can we get our stuff first?"


Clara always loved the sound of the TARDIS's old engines landing. The wheezing and groaning wouldn't seem like a pleasant noise to anyone else, but to her it was the best sound in the world. Because to her, that sound meant The Doctor. And with The Doctor, adventure, beauty, and happiness were just around the corner. And that was no different this time as they landed with the Winchesters and Castiel on Ketahrus.

She coughed to get the boys' attention and snapped her fingers to open the doors. The Doctor and Sam grinned. Dean raised his eyebrows but then nodded in approval. He bent down and picked up the duffel bag they had taken with them from their car and followed Sam, Cas, Clara, and The Doctor outside. "Welcome to Ketahrus!" The Doctor announced.

"Dude. We are on a different planet," Dean said finally getting a little excited. Castiel somehow still looked emotionless. "Come on, Cas, that's pretty cool, right?" Cas sighed and gave in to a tiny grin, "Yes I agree, Dean, it is quiet an impressive feat." Clara finally turned away from the hunters and looked out at the scene from where they landed.

She was glad this planet was far from its sun. If it hadn't been, they would have probably been blinded and then roasted. The entire planet was made out of metal. And it was beautiful. The sky showed only tiny specs of light, but the planet they stood on shone.

"Reflection off that metal over the years warms up the planet and keeps it lit," The Doctor noted. "But oh, you are beautiful," he shouted with a broad grin, "if the planet looks like this, bet the people here must be just as interesting." Clara looked to the group standing at her sides. She grinned. "Then let's go."

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