Chapter 8- Dean's POV

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"How? How did that actually work? Really Doc," Dean asked. "Well I knew from the information the TARDIS has about when this planet would be introduced to life outside Ketahrus and their neighboring planet, Viridis. I originally planned for us to land after that, but the TARDIS sometimes under-shoots," The Doctor said. "And by sometimes I mean I'm used to it by now. I've had to deal with this situation enough times that I've perfected a speech to let them know our good intentions and not freak them out about the concept of alien life."

This was, what, like the fifth time he had left all of us with dumbfounded expressions. And we literally just met the guy. His girlfriend or whatever she was to him, Clara, seemed used to it somehow and just rolled her eyes.

She was pretty cute though. But I get distracted easy. I glanced over at Sam. He was looking at her too. And they look his eyes gave off that he thought more of her than just kinda cute. He likes her. I know him well enough to recognize that.

How long has been that I've ever met a girl I really liked? Not just a drunk one-night-stand, and I haven't even had time to do that in a while either. When was the last time either me or Sammy even went to a freakin bar. We literally spend all our time saving the world, which gets pretty tiring.

But right now, I guess we're alright enough. I still have the mark, which is still bad, but I'm not flipping out on a murdering spree so yeah it's been worse.

I guess you could call this a vacation. One that I can tolerate more than sitting on a beach doing nothing. It's exciting and adventurous, so the reason I have my need to hunt is satisfied. It's an alien planet. I'm excited. And for once I don't have to worry about the rest of the world crashing while I'm gone. I looked over at Sam and Cas as we followed some important looking guys into the center of the alien city.

Cas was talking to The Doctor about everything in the city. He seemed amazed by all this stuff being possible, like he never imagined there could be something in the universe he didn't already know about. But he seems happy. Which is good. There's too much on his shoulders most of which, he doesn't have to help with but he does anyways. He doesn't show emotion a lot but when he does it's usually that he's drained, so happiness is good for him.

I looked over to Sam in time to see him laugh a little at something Clara said. Now that was a rarity. I smiled. I don't know if it was because it was her who said it, or just that he felt free for once like me but my little brother should be like this more often. No he and Cas deserve their whole life to be like this. Not the mess it really is. And I'm the reason they can't be like this all the time.

But this won't last long. So might enjoy this vacation-ish-thing while I have it. And going someplace like this. Is probably only going to happen this once. I can drink my feelings later. Right now I'm going to actually enjoy something. While I can.

Hey guys! Sorry it takes me so long to update. No offense but writing isn't really at the top of my priority list, but I still love it and try to get around to it. This chapter's kinda short and a bit pointless plot-development-wise, but you get to see a bit inside Dean and Sam's characters so that's cool. Anyways as always feedback is appreciated and I'll see you all for chapter 9 byyyye <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2015 ⏰

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