*Sootlife's Solution

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     The soft pitter-patter of rain on the treetops echoed through the camp. All was silent, except the occasional coughs coming from the nursery. Sootlife sighed as she hauled her tired body up out of her nest in the medicine cat's den. Her shoulders ached, and the cold weather wasn't making her pain any easier. It had been drizzling steadily for three days now, not once had it let up. The conditions made it that much worse to take care of the sick.

     'Six warriors, three apprentices, and two kits.' Sootlife totaled up in her head. She grabbed a mouthful of catmint and coltsfoot, along with a few juniper berries and poppy seeds. With a full load, Sootlife peeked her head outside of the rocky crevasse that served as her den. The sun was just beginning to rise above the distant mountains, she was sure, but the gloomy overcast clouds blocked it's warmth. Though, Sootlife was grateful for calmness of the storm for she knew the Clans had suffered much worse. The wind wasn't blowing, and the sky was not constantly illuminated by bright flashes of lighting. It was merely a somber drizzle. Sootlife had every right to believe that the weather was a symbol of StarClan's spirit; somber and gray. It seemed the mood in the Clans right now was equally as bitter and depressed. She couldn't blame them, every-cat was getting sick, and three had already died. At first, the medicine cats thought the sickness might just be a bad case of greencough, but after a few moons of it continuing, they agreed that the sickness was much more severe. They also had no idea what it was, the symptoms being observed were of nothing they had seen before. They discussed it and reached no conclusion. Each sick cat held the same indications of this sickness: A cough, a fever, vomiting, trouble breathing, and stomach pains. The decided to treat it the best they could by singling out each symptom and treating it. The catmint in case of greencough, coltsfoot for a breathing aid, juniper berries for the stomach ache and fever, and poppy to ease the pain. So far, it hadn't cured a single cat with the sickness. 

     Sootlife padded to the nursery where little Barkkit had been coughing. She gently entered the den and sniffed him out, rolling him over in his nest so that his chest faced her. He woke slightly, but the sickness had tired his body and he remained calm. She rubbed his chest, hoping to ease his breathing. She chewed up the herbs and trickled the juice into his mouth, massaging his throat until he swallowed. She gently returned him to his original sleeping position before waking up his mother, Milkweed. "Milkweed." she nudged the young queen. 

     "Huh? Oh, Sootlife. How is he?" the cream-colored she-cat woke with a slight start before realizing who was visiting. 

     "He's fine, still coughing. I gave him a few more herbs. Tell me if the cough persists and I'll see what I can do. For now, keep him warm and dry, and give him lots of water." she mewed. The queen nodded in reply.

     "Sootlife, you're the best medicine cat a queen could ask for. Thank you." 

   "Oh, thank you, but I'm just doing my job." Sootlife replied sheepishly. She knew the young mother's fear for her tiny son. Death had plagued three others in the Clans, including one of the MoonClan elders. She would do all she could in her power to preserve this little life. "Let me know how he is by sun-high." Sootlife added before taking her remaining herbs and padding off. 

     She let her mind wander. Why was StarClan allowing this sickness to spread? And why were they ignoring her? Every night, she tried to speak with them, but each time she woke the next day frustrated and without answers. What had the Clans done to deserve this punishment? She had discussed her thoughts with the other Clans' medicine cats, but once again they had come to no conclusion as to why their ancestors were staying quiet. She had even traveled to the Moon Place, the home of StarClan and received only a visit from her old mentor who told her nothing of the sickness. The whole thing was maddening. The last thing she wanted was a loss in faith of StarClan from her clanmates, and so far it wasn't looking up. A few young warriors were alredy loosing their hope in the stars. 

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