*Maplestar's Downfall

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Lightning cracked the sky in half, lighting up the scene momentarily. Many were gathered around, both from ScorchClan and MoonClan. Claws gleaming with blood, a dark gray, strong and sleek tom held another around the neck. Pinned to the muddy ground was a large ginger tom, eyes wide with fear, blood trickling from the wound in his neck. His pupils were small, and eyes starting to glaze over, his thrashing struggle had ceased. "He's dying..." a soot-colored she-cat stepped forward from the crowd, her eyes filled with that of recognizable sorrow mixed with relief. "Maplestar, it could have been different you know..." she spoke in his ear softly.  

"No S-sootlife." He choked out. The gray tom loosened his grip on Maplestar's throat. "It was always meant to be... my fate was sealed." He looked into the distance, remembering something faint, something long forgotten as his life began to flash by his eyes...

* * * 

Thunder boomed in the distance. Rain seized the camp, soaking every cat to the skin. In the nursery, three cats huddled together trying to keep another dry and warm. "It's going to be alright, Dawnflight." Purred Amberleaf, the MoonClan medicine cat. Passing over a damp stick to bite down on, Tawnykit stopped to stare at the queen.  

"Mommy, is Dawnflight going to be okay?" she whispered. The ginger queen pulled her kit closer and away from view of the birthing queen.  

"Of course, every queen goes through this. Soon, you'll have another denmate, or maybe more." She explained. Tawnykit nodded, eyes still wide.  

Dawnflight gave another heave, and with Amberleaf's help, a tiny kit appeared at Tawnykit's paws. Tawnykit's mother, Redwind, began to lick the little kit's fur the wrong way, warming her up. The little gray she-kit gave a squeak. Soon, another darker gray kit arrived, his fur too was licked backwards by another she-cat. "Looks like there's still one more kit." Amberleaf observed. "One more push..." with a final heave, a small ginger tom appeared. "He's dark ginger!" exclaimed Amberleaf. "Does he look like his father?" she questioned. Everyone knew Dawnlight wasn't revealing who the father was. No one knew if he was a passing loner, kittypet, or another Clan cat. Either way, they knew it wasn't their place to question. 

Tired and cold, Dawnflight let her body relax. She nodded to the medicine cat, smiling.  Amberleaf picked up the ginger tom, licking his fur too. Instantly, he gave out a shrill mew. The medicine cat chuckled. "Dawnflight, you've got a feisty one here. What are you going to call them?" she inquired. 

The light gray queen pulled the little gray she-kit towards her. "For my first-born kitten, Rainkit in remembrance of the rain she was born in." she pulled the dark gray tom towards her. "For my first-born son, Stormkit for the storm he was born in. And..." she pulled the big ginger tom toward her, "Maplekit, for the maple tree that sheltered us from the weather." With a new warmth in her heart, she pulled all three of them into her belly.  

* * * 

"But Mmmooooommmmmmm!" a loud voice rang around the clearing. "Why can't I go hunting with everyone else? I'm big, my claws are sharp, why!?" Maplekit wailed. Nearly six moons had passed since his birth, and he was making it clear to everyone that he was ready to become an apprentice.  

Dawnflight padded from the nursery, Rainkit in toe. Stormkit padded over with a mouthful of herbs in his jaws. "Look mother, Amberleaf taught me all about herbs today! This is catmint, used to uh... heal cats, and this is juniper to heal bellyaches, and this is marigold for scratches, and this is-" 

"Mom, it's so unfair! Why can't I be a warrior now?" whined Maplekit, interrupting his brother. 

"Maplekit!" scolded Dawnflight. "You just interrupted your brother. And you can't be a warrior yet because you're not old enough. You're not even an apprentice yet, so enjoy life as a kit before you get to old." She spoke. Turning back to Stormkit, he continued his speech.  

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