Chapter Four

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Warning: upcoming sexy time
Recap of last chapter:
Cas, not being able to take any more teasing, spins around and slams Dean to the wall, pining his arms above his head and captures Dean's lips with his own. He kisses Dean with a ferocious passion, which Dean returns, pushing himself off the wall and pressing himself more fully against Cas.
"Do you think," Cas growls in between pressing his lips hungrily to Deans's, "it is wise," a bite to Dean's lip, "to tease me?"
Cas spins Dean around, off of the wall and pushed him back, kissing and tugging at clothes until the back of Dean's knees are bumping the bed. Breaking the kiss to yank open dean's flannel, he lets out a frustrated growl when he sees the white undershirt that was hidden underneath.
Dean, wanting more contact, grabs Cas's face and pulls it to his, sliding his hands over his shoulders and pushing the well worn trench coat off. He lets out a small whine when Cas's lips start to travel along his jaw and down to his neck, kissing, sucking and biting the skin there to leave a mark.
"Mine," Cas growl against Dean's neck.
"Yes," Dean gasps, hands tangling in Cas's hair, "Yes, I'm yours."
With that, Cas grabs Dean by the hips and tosses him on to the bed near the headboard. Pacing around the bed with a predatory glare, he unbuttons his white shirt to expose the lean, tan skin underneath. He loosens his tie, leaving it dangling around his neck and pushes his shirt off. Sliding his shoes off, he stalks to Dean, who lay reclined against the headboard, watching Cas with lust. Yanking Deans boots off, he climbed onto the bed, crawling towards Dean, eyes burning bright with passion.
"Enough of the damn layers," Cas say as he reaches Dean, straddling him and tugging the white tank top over his head. He leans down to kiss Dean, slowly at first, but building until he's rolling his hips against Deans to create friction between them, his cock straining against his dress pants. He slides his hands down over Deans chest, ghosting over one of Dean's peaked nipples, earning a tiny gasp against his lips and a slight buck of Deans hips.

Breaking the kiss to scoot down the bed so Dean is laying beneath him, he kisses his way along Dean's jaw and neck as he slides his hands down Dean's arms. Grabbing him by the wrists, he pins the other mans arms over his head and grabs the tie that was still dangling loosely around his neck. Leaning down to ghost kisses over Dean's collar bone he asks, "Do you trust me?"

"Yes," Dean gasps out, his breathing ragged, coming out in pants.

"Good," Cas whispers, punctuating it with nibble to a spot under Dean's ear that makes him squirm.
Cas takes his tie and binds Deans hands together and then to the headboard above him.
"Good," Cas whispers again, taking in the sight below him. A flushed Dean lay panting, rolling his hips up to Cas, searching for any kind of friction, green eyes hooded, exploring every inch of Cas that he could and to top it all off, his hands bound above him, keeping him in his place.

His hands curled into Dean's short hair and pulled his mouth into a renewed kiss. Castiel felt clearly inexperienced but hunger for Dean overtook him and he copies the way his hunter kissed him. Light smacking sounds of a kiss deepening in passion, mixed with muffled, restrained groans filled the room. Cas's mouth drops to the hunter's neck, wetly kissing, nipping, and licking a path along his throat and across his shoulder.

Dean leaning against the headboard and Castiel atop him, nestled between his legs. The angel's inexperienced hands tug off his jeans and black boxer briefs. Just as quickly, Dean tugs Castiel free of his conservative slacks and loose boxers. Nothing separated them anymore.
In the angel's typical curious manner, he eyes Dean's thick erection as if he'd never seen anything like it. His inquisitive hand stretches along its length and Dean's spine arches with unexpected bursts of aching pleasure. The angel glances down at himself as if surprised that his own cock grew so hard. His eyes flash back to Dean's face.
"Oh god," the hunter gasps, "Get up here."
Castiel crawls up to capture Dean's lips, his arms looping around his hunter's body. Cas wants Dean to lose himself in it for a night, to have nothing to worry about but each other. Combing a hand through his dirty blonde hair, he moans Dean's name like a prayer.
Dean rolls his hips up against those lying on top of him. Castiel sucks in a sharp breath with the new sensation of cock rubbing against cock. The instinct of his body responds and slowly ruts his pelvis in the juncture of Dean's pelvis. Erratic moans spill from both their lips into each other's necks and shoulders. They cling to each other with fingers digging desperately into flesh.

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