Chapter Seven

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Recap of Last Chapter:
"Hey Cas..?" Dean whispered.
"Yes, Dean?" Cas answered, looking at Dean questioningly, seeing his eyes locked above his head.
"Cas, I can see your wings."
They were beautiful, unlike anything that Dean had seen in his life.
The wings were huge, the tips brushing the ceiling, mimicking Cas's arms stretched above his head and they were the most amazing colour. They were like the night sky, an inky black, yet iridescent, with shimmers of every colour shining on them in the bright morning sun.
They moved suddenly, snapping against Castiel's back, breaking Dean from his wonderment.
"Dean, are you listening? Can you hear me? What's going on?"

"My god, Cas, they're beautiful."

"Oh," Cas stuttered, flushing at the compliment, "I, uhm, I've always hated them. All my brothers and sisters wings were so light, so pure, that I felt as thought mine had been tainted," pausing to glance down at his hands, "No one has ever called them beautiful before."
"Baby, they're the most spectacular, mesmerizing, gorgeous works of art I've ever seen," Dean said, all in one breath, like he couldn't  get the words out fast enough, in hopes that they'd make Cas feel better.
"But Dean, I don't understand, you shouldn't be able to see them. Only another angel, my mate, should be able to..." Cas says, slowing his words as he reached the end of the sentence, realizing what he had just said, "My mate..." He whispers to himself.
He looked up at Dean with wide eyes, hardly daring it to be true, for this glorious man to be his, to be meant for him.
"Cas, you gonna tell me what's going on here?" Dean asks, running a hand nervously through his still damp hair.
"Do you remember what I told you last night? While we were talking?"
"You said a lot of things last night, Cas," Dean says, flushing at the memory.
"I meant when I, uhm, let you feel my wings? How I explained that you wouldn't be able to see them?"
"Oh, yeah you said that only your mate would be able to-" Dean cuts off suddenly, his eyes widening at what he'd just said, what this could mean.
"Are you saying...?" Dean said, leaving the unspoken question hovering in the air between them.
"It's the only solution that makes sense... There's no other way."
"So I'm your mate? I thought it could only be another angel? And a girl? Isn't god a bit of a homophobe?"
"God is completely indifferent to sexual orientation, and that's what I'd thought, but evidently, no. You're a human male and you're seeing my wings so we were made for each other." Cas says, as if it is the most obvious answer.
A wicked smile curves across Dean's face, and he takes a step towards the bed, where Cas has remained seated during this entire exchange.
"Uhm, Dean? What are you doing?" Cas asks, cocking his head to the side, eyes widening.
"Meant for each other, huh? So that means," Dean says, making his way to the bed and crawling towards Cas, "that means you are mine," he growls reaching Cas on the bed, who had scooted back so that he was nearly flush against the headboard, his wings twitching outward, like they were reaching for Dean.
Straddling Cas's lap, he captures his lips with his own, pushing his hands into his angels hair and lightly tugging on it, which elicits small whimpers of pleasure from Cas.
Cas runs his hands up and down the hunters back, relishing the feel of the tight muscles underneath the skin, the heat radiating from his body
"Yes," Cas whispers between kisses, "yes, I'm yours."
With shaking hands, Dean slowly slides his hands down from Cas's hair to his shoulders and hesitantly slips them over the tops of his arms, reaching his wings. With light, almost dancing movements, Dean drags his fingers into the lush feathers, eliciting a shudder and moan from Cas, who arches his back, pushing into Dean's touch.
"You like that, baby? Huh? You like when I touch your wings?" Dean whispers against Cas's neck, biting kisses there and soothing them with a skim of his tongue.
"Yes baby, please, don't stop," Cas moans into Deans chest, rocking his hips up to Dean, desperately seeking friction.
A sudden knock at the door startles them both, causing them to jump apart.

Authors note:
Hey guys!!!! Sorry it's been so long, I had a family incident and things went kinda bad for a bit but I'm back!!! Hope you enjoyed the chapter, comment and vote to let me know what you thought!

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