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(Georgie's POV)

"Can you keep a secret?" Alice asked me quietly, suddenly deadly serious.

I studied her for a moment before turning the TV off, "Course..." was all I said.

Alice took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes, "Im a vampire." she told me simply.

My heart clenched and it felt like I couldn't breathe. So that was why my instincts kept telling me to keep away...

"Are you serious?"

Her golden eyes were somewhat sad, "Deadly serious I'm afraid... Me and my whole family are vampires." she informed me.

"And you... Drink blood? Like human blood??"

Alice's eyes widened and she shook her head, "No no! Some of us have in the past, but we all only feed from animals now. We don't want to be monsters Georgie..." she sighed.

"Oh..." was all I could say.

My brain wouldn't work right and I still felt like all the oxygen had been sucked out of the room, but I didn't feel particularly scared of Alice.

"Are you alright?" she questioned me gently.

I focused on her and saw the concern on her small features, "Surprisingly yes... I'm fine." I replied truthfully.

Alice didn't seem convinced but a smile appeared on her face anyway, "Will you come to my house tomorrow night for a sleepover??" she asked excitedly.

My first instinct was to decline due to the fact I could be murdered in a house full of vampires, but I felt a strange compulsion to agree...


Alice watched me carefully as I got up off my bed and picked up a book that id got for christmas a few years back, that I had loved reading... It was about vampires.

"Really?" she smirked as I sat back down.

As soon as I saw the look on her face I couldn't help but start laughing hysterically. She didn't seem like the vampires I'd read about...

I flipped the book open to the contents page and traced my finger down to the bit I was looking for... Characteristics, signs and behaviour of vampires.

"Mind if I ask some questions?" I smiled.

Alice beamed at me, showing her immaculate bright white teeth... No fangs? "Ask away!" she urged.

"I thought vampires were meant to have fangs... How come you guys don't?" was my first question.

"Because we're meant to be attractive to humans... A bit like a carnivorous plant I guess." she summarised, "Everything about us draws our prey to us. Our looks, our voices, and even our scent!"

With an eyebrow raised I took a deep breath and realised she was right... She smelled faintly like flowers. It was a quite sweet, nice smell.

"How come you don't turn to ash in the sunlight??" I asked skeptically, thinking back to all the times I'd seen them outside.

Alice sat back slightly, "Well, don't you notice that we're never there when it's really sunny?" she said, sounding slightly awkward.


She nodded slowly, "We don't turn into ash in sunlight... We kind of sparkle, like diamonds. It's just another thing that makes us attractive to our prey I guess, but if we showed ourselves in direct sunlight people would know we were different.." she shrugged.

My jaw dropped, "You... Sparkle?"

Alice's laughter rang through the room, "Yup! I can show you tomorrow if you like?" she grinned.

"Okay." I said, a bit overwhelmed, "So, I thought vampires slept during the day?" was my next train of thought.

At this Alice just laughed even more until she finally calmed down enough, "We don't sleep at all." she informed me, barely containing her laughter.

"Ever?!" I asked, my eyes wide.


We spent the whole night discussing which parts of my book were fact and what was fiction... Turns out most of it was complete and utter rubbish, and Alice found it all extremely funny.

"Do you want to get some sleep?" Alice enquired eventually, peering at my alarm clock which read 04:30am.

I shook my head, "I don't think I could sleep even if I wanted to."

Alice raised an eyebrow, "Scared I might try and drink your blood??" she joked, doing a really bad Transylvanian accent.

"Of course not! I'm just too interested in all of this!"

She sighed heavily, "Alright Georgie, but your sleeping tomorrow night!"

I nodded eagerly in agreement and this seemed to satisfy Alice who pulled her phone from her pocket, "Everything alright?" I questioned her quietly. Alice smiled at me when her face suddenly went blank, "Alice?!"

Her golden eyes focused on me and her smile reappeared, "Sorry..." she apologised quietly.

"What happened?" I said worriedly.

Alice bit her lip slightly, "I have visions of the future." she announced.

My eyes became the size of dinner plates, "Can all vampires do that?!" I squeaked as I tried to imagine having visions of the future.

"Oh no, just me." she assured me, "But Edward can read minds, Bella can shield herself and others from certain vampires powers, and my Jasper can feel and manipulate emotions!"

My brain ceased functioning properly once more, "Oh..." was all I could say.


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