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"My best friend was a vampire..." I gasped, falling backwards in my seat.

Carlisle seemed to be worried that I was going into shock as he hovered over me, unsure if I was okay...

Well, Lailah being a vampire sure explained a hell of a lot... The way she was never at school on sunny days, how her skin was so cold, how she would always keep her distance... How hadn't I noticed back then?!

"Because you didn't know what you were looking for..." Edward mumbled, looking a little worried.

I nodded slowly in agreement, "But she didn't have golden eyes!" was my sudden realisation.

"What colour eyes did she have??" Jasper questioned me demandingly, on edge all of a sudden.

My brain worked hard as I tried to recall my best friends eye colour... It's not that I was a bad friend or anything, but I'd just never given her eye colour much thought.

"A weird purpley colour I guess..." I shrugged. When the vampires in the room froze I raised an eyebrow, "Why? What does that mean??"

Jasper was the first too snap out of his trance, "It means she drinks human blood." he replied darkly.

"But I thought those types of vampires have red eyes?!" I exclaimed, terrified and confused.

"Not if they're wearing blue contacts to cover them..." Rosalie murmured.

The sound of her voice shocked me... She'd been so quiet the whole time I'd been here that I hadn't noticed that she was even here.

"So how does this help??" was my next question.

Alice sighed, "You need to call her... Do you think she'd come here??" she asked me, still sounding somewhat sad.

"Uhh... Yeah probably." I nodded, looking down at the phone that was suddenly shoved into my hands by Bella.

I hadn't spoken to Lailah for a long time... Two weeks before I moved here I'd told her, and she'd not taken it particularly well at all...

"It'll be alright Georgie. I've seen it." Alice assured me quietly.

Nodding numbly I dialed my best friends number and pressed the phone to my ear, ignoring my heart hammering in my ears as I thought about what I would say...

"Hello?" said her familiar voice, Irish accent as soothing as ever.

"Hey Lai..." I greeted in a whisper.

I didn't mean for it to come out in a whisper, but now I knew what she was and what she did I couldn't help but be a little afraid...

"Georgie? Is it really you?!" she questioned, voice going high pitched with excitement.

Swallowing nervously I tried to stop my hand from shaking, "Yeah." I managed, still sounding terrified.

Jasper watched me intently, and I felt a wave of calmness wash over me as I realised everyone in the room could hear the conversation...

"Are you alright Georgie?? You sound... Scared?" my friend commented on the other end of the line.

I tried to say something but the words stuck in my throat... But I knew when Carlisle gave me an apologetic look, nodding encouragingly that I had to do this...

"Lailah, if I ask you something will you tell me the truth?" I murmured into the phone, averting my eyes from the Cullen's.

There was a long stretch of silence before Lailah let out a sigh, "Sure, what is it??" she replied quietly.

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